The Labor Movement

  • Knights of Labor Founded

    Knights of Labor Founded
    American labor organization led by Terrance Powderly. He demanded an eight hour work day and rejected Socialism. It is important because he got workers' rights.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    In Chicago, 11 died and 50 were injured in the Haymarket Riot. The event fuled anti-union sentiment. It is important because is the origin of May Day observances for workers.
  • American Federation of Labor founded

    American Federation of Labor founded
    Founded by Samuel Gompers, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) was the largest union group of the beginning of the 20th century. The federation still remains to this day. It is important because it is the longest lasting union labor in the United States.
  • Strike by Pullman railroad workers

    Strike by Pullman railroad workers
    A conflict between the American Railway Union (ARU) and the United States, a strike because of a decrease in wages brought railroad workers to a hault by the courts. The ARU was an organization of unskilled labor workers. It is important because Labor Day was a result of the strike, giving laborers a break.
  • International Ladies' Garment Workers Union founded

    International Ladies' Garment Workers Union founded
    It was one of the first unions to primarily have female leadership. The women fought to prove women can successfully form a union. It is important because it won pay gains and shorter work days.
  • Fire in te Triangle Shirtwaist Company

    Fire in te Triangle Shirtwaist Company
    An unexpected fire caused the death of 146 workers of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. As a result, workplace safety is enforced. It is important because it was the deadliest industrial disaster in New York City.
  • Norris-La Guardia Act outlaws "yellow-dog" contracts

    Norris-La Guardia Act outlaws "yellow-dog" contracts
    Created by George Norris and Fiorello La Guardia, the act states that workers agree not to join unions. This gives protection to other unions. It is important because federal courts couldn't issue injunctions agains nonviolent labor disputes.
  • Wagner Act gives workers the right to organize

    Wagner Act gives workers the right to organize
    The Wagner Act is a US federal law that protects the rights of employees. However, it does not apply to workers under the Railway Labor Act. It is important because it was seen as a threat to freedom.