Period: 1062 BCE to 1010 BCE
Jonathan's Life
Jonathan was Saul's son and David's best friend. He help David escape his father and was a righteous, loyal man. He died in battle with his father. -
1050 BCE
Saul crowned King
Saul was chosen by the people to be the first king. He was tall and handsome and seemed perfect for the role. Samuel anointed him. -
Period: 1050 BCE to 1029 BCE
Saul's Reign
Saul reigned for 20 years. He started as a righteous man but the pride corrupted him. David was anointed during Saul's reign. -
Period: 1040 BCE to 970 BCE
David's Life
David grew up a devout shepherd that turned into a noble king. He showed great bravery and faith. Although he made plenty of mistakes he took the consequences. -
1029 BCE
The Lord rejects Saul and anoints David
Samuel went to choose one of the sons of Jesse. He lined them up and and Lord did not choose any of them. Instead he asked if there were any others and when they went and got David to come the Lord told Samuel he was the one. -
1025 BCE
David and Goliath
The Philistines army is fighting the Israelites. When David goes to give his brothers food he hears Goliath the philistine mock the Lord. He decides to challenge him and wins. -
1021 BCE
David begins running from Saul
Saul's anger kindled against David when he found out he was going to be king next. He fled and Jonathan his dear friend tried everything he could to help. This helped shape David's future. -
1018 BCE
David spares Saul's life in the cave
While on the search for David Saul was in a cave alone. David was hiding in the cave. He had the opportunity to kill him but instead cut off a piece of his robe. -
1010 BCE
Saul's Suicide
During a war they Israelites were losing. When Saul realized that he would be captured and tortured he told his servant to kill him. The servant refused so Saul impaled himself upon his own sword. -
1010 BCE
Ishbosheth's Death
Ishbosheth was one of Saul's younger sons. He ruled over a bit of land but failed. He was killed by two of his own army officers. -
Period: 1009 BCE to 978 BCE
Absalom's life and his rebellion
Absalom was David's son. He becomes angry at his half brother when he rapes his sister. He murders him and rebels against David. Joab kills him after he was caught in a branch by his hair. -
992 BCE
David's Adultery with Bathsheba
David is on his roof and sees a woman bathing. He calls for her and laid with her. She conceives and to try and fix it he murders her husband Uriah in battle by having the troops pull back. He is punished and the baby dies. -
991 BCE
Bathsheba's baby dies
In order to punish David for his sin God told him he would either kill David or the baby. When the baby was born David mourned until it died. After that he went and worshipped the Lord. -
989 BCE
Amnon rapes his sister Tamar
Amnon was in love with his half sister Tamar. Jonadab his cousin told him to act sick and have her come feed him and she would fall in love. He called her and when she refused him he forced himself upon her. -
Period: 989 BCE to 931 BCE
Solomon's Life
Bathsheba's first baby died. The next time she conceived she bore Solomon. Solomon was known for his wisdom. -
978 BCE
Solomon Crowned
Adonijah was crowning himself king. When Bathsheba heard this she went to Nathan and Nathan comes up with a plan. When David hears Bathsheba and her desire for Solomon as king Solomon is anointed. -
Period: 972 BCE to 950 BCE
Jeroboam's Life (I)
Jeroboam was the servant of Solomon. He rebelled and became king. He was the other king when Judah and Israel split. -
Period: 972 BCE to 913 BCE
Rehoboam's Life
Rehoboam was the son of Solomon. He was the king after Solomon. He did not listen to the Lord and was one of the cause of Israel dividing. -
967 BCE
King Hiram Helps
Solomon needed the supplies to build the temple. Solomon befriends Hiram the King of Tyre. They establish a treaty and he helps the temple. -
966 BCE
Solomon blessed with wisdom
The Lord came to Solomon in a dream and told him he could have one wish. Solomon asked for wisdom to govern the people. The Lord was pleased and gave him wisdom along with many other blessings. -
966 BCE
Solomon builds the temple of the Lord
When David was alive he wanted to build the Lord a temple. The Lord said he couldn't because he was a man of war. Solomon was the one able to build this massive temple especially with his riches. -
946 BCE
The Queen of Sheba visits
Solomon was so extremely wealthy his fame spread. The Queen of Sheba visits him and tests him with hard questions. She was astounded and they became friends -
Period: 940 BCE to 874 BCE
Omri's Life and Reign (I)
Omri reigned for twelve years. He rebelled against Zimri and went to kill him. He did more evil than all the kings before him. -
Period: 936 BCE to 870 BCE
Asa's Life
He was a righteous king that pleased the Lord. He directed the people towards God. God blessed him and he reigned for 41 years. -
Period: 933 BCE to 909 BCE
Nadab's life (I)
Nadab was the son of Jeroboam. He reigned over Israel for 2 years. He was murdered by Baasha. -
Period: 933 BCE to 886 BCE
Baasha's Life (I)
Baasha was the son of Abijah. He killed all of Jeroboam's house. Because of that the same thing happened to his family. -
931 BCE
Solomon's fall from power
Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Since a lot of them did idol worship they enticed him to build them temples for their gods. Eventually he joined them and turned from God. -
931 BCE
Israel Divides
Rehoboam was the king of Judah. Jeroboam reigned over Israel. They fought and split the two tribes. -
930 BCE
The Two Golden Calves
Jeroboam was king over Israel and wanted to keep it that way. He thought that the would turn on him if they went back to the Lord. To fix that he made two golden calves for them to worship. -
Period: 913 BCE to 911 BCE
Abijah's Reign (J)
Abijah was a ruler over Judah. He did what was evil in God's eyes. He only reigned for three years. -
Period: 912 BCE to 885 BCE
Elah's Life (I)
Elah was the son of Baasha. He was evil. Zimri one of the commanders of his army murdered him. -
Period: 904 BCE to 850 BCE
Elijah's Life
Elijah was a prophet. He lived during the time of Ahab and the drought. He mentored Elisha. -
896 BCE
Asa's War against Ethiopia
Asa tore down idols and cults. He went to war against Ethiopia. The Lord helped them win. -
895 BCE
Asa's Religious Reforms
Asa had a desire to follow the Lord for most of his life. He got rid of his grandmother because she led a cult of male prostitutes. He killed the people if they didn't follow God. -
894 BCE
Asa's Sickness
Near the end of his reign Asa developed a disease in his feet. Still he didn't turn back to the Lord. He died from this and was buried in Jerusalem -
886 BCE
Zimri's Reign (I)
Zimri became king because he killed Elah. He only reigned for seven days. When Omri came to attack he burned down the palace with himself inside. -
Period: 871 BCE to 853 BCE
Ahab's Reign (I)
Ahab was the son of Omri. He was one of the most wicked kings. He married Jezebel, who was a priestess of Baal. -
Period: 866 BCE to 841 BCE
Jehoshaphat's Reign (J)
Jehoshaphat was a good king who followed in the ways of the Lord. His father was Asa. He reigned over Israel for 25 years. -
860 BCE
Elijah and the ravens
A famine hit the land and there was scarcely any food. God told Elijah to go to a river bed. Ravens brought him food. -
860 BCE
Elijah and The Widow
God told Elijah to go to a widow and ask to feed him. She says that she was just going to cook her and her son's last meal. She gave it to him but then her son died. Elijah raised her son from the dead and then she believed his prophecy about her food not running out. -
858 BCE
Elijah with the Mountain of God and anointing of Elisha
Elijah runs away from Jezebel. He stayed in the wilderness and ate food made by an angel so he was satisfied for 40 days. Elijah tells God how he feels and God shows Elijah that he is with him. After this Elisha is the next prophet. -
858 BCE
Elijah's challenge for Baal
Elijah challenged all the prophets of Baal that Jezebel had. He made an offering and told them to have Baal send fire from heaven. Baal failed but when Elijah prayed to God he sent fire that burnt up the altar and most everything around it. -
857 BCE
Ahab and Ben-hadad
The king of Syria, Ben-hadad, sent a message to Ahab and told him to give him his gold, silver, kids and wives. Ben-hadad kept asking for more. Elijah told Ahab he would win because Ben-hadad was mocking God. The Israelites won. But Ahab makes a treaty and God condemns him. -
855 BCE
Naboth's Vineyard
Ahab wanted Naboth's vineyard. Naboth refuses because it has been in his family for awhile. Jezebel tells two criminals to tell a lie so that Naboth is stoned. Elijah comes to Ahab in the vineyard and curses him and his house. -
853 BCE
Ahab's Death
Ahab went into battle and disguised himself. They think Jehosophat is the king of Israel. Ahab was struck by an arrow and died. -
853 BCE
Jehoshaphat's Battle
Jehoshaphat was scared that they weren't going to win until a prophet told him they would. To glorify God they put the singers in front. The enemies started killing each other and the Israelites won. -
Period: 853 BCE to 851 BCE
Ahaziah's Reign (I)
Ahaziah was the son of Ahab. He reigned for two years over Israel. He died from a sickness caused by falling. -
Period: 851 BCE to 839 BCE
Second Jehoram's reign (Son of Ahab) (I)
Jehoram was the cousin of Ahaziah. He reigned for twelve years. He didn't agree with his parents but still did evil. He fought against Moab. God helped him by making a lake look like blood. -
849 BCE
Elisha and Naaman
Naaman was an important war commander that got leprosy. He heard of Elisha from his servant girl and sent for him. He came and told Naaman to dip in the Jordan river seven times. -
Period: 841 BCE to 833 BCE
First Jehoram's Reign (Son of Jehoshaphat) (J)
Jehoram was the son of Jehoshaphat. He was married to the Athaliah. His wife was the daughter of Ahab. He reigned over Judah for 8 years. -
837 BCE
Elisha and the bears
When Elisha was in a city some boys were making fun of him being bald. Elisha turned around and cursed them. Then two bears came out of the woods and killed 42 of the boys. -
837 BCE
Elijah ascends into heaven
Elijah's time to leave earth was soon coming. Before he was taken by the Lord Elisha asked for a double portion of the Spirit. Elijah told him if he saw him leave earth he would. A chariot of fire then came down and took Elijah. -
833 BCE
2 Ahaziah's Death
Ahaziah was the grandson of Jehoshaphat. He reigned for one year. He witnessed Jehoram's murder from Jehu. Jehu then killed Ahaziah. -
Period: 833 BCE to 805 BCE
Jehu's Reign (I)
Jehu was the commander of Jehoram. He killed Jehoram and Ahaziah. He wiped out Ahab's house and the worshippers of Baal. -
Period: 833 BCE to 826 BCE
Athaliah's Reign
Athaliah was the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. She was wicked and reigned for 6 years. She killed all off the royal family in hopes of stopping Jesus's bloodline. -
Period: 826 BCE to 786 BCE
Joash's Reign
Joash was the son of Ahaziah. His whole family was killed by Athaliah but he was saved by his aunt. He restores the temple and reigns for 40 years. He was made king when he was 7. -
Period: 805 BCE to 788 BCE
Jehoahaz's Reign (I)
Jehoahaz was the son of Jehu. He battled against the Syrians his whole reign. He did evil and reigned over Israel. -
Period: 788 BCE to 772 BCE
Jehoash's Reign (I)
Jehoash was the son of Jehoahaz. He reigned for 16 years. He was alive when Elisha died and went to visit him. -
Period: 786 BCE to 757 BCE
Amaziah's Reign
Amaziah is the son of Joash. He followed God but not wholeheartedly which you can see later in his reign. He wins a battle because of God but then brings back the idols of the land. -
Period: 772 BCE to 731 BCE
Jeroboam 2 (I)
Jehoash was Jeroboam the second's father. He ruled over Israel for 41 years. He did not follow God. -
Period: 766 BCE to 671 BCE
The Prophet Isaiah's Life
Period: 757 BCE to 705 BCE
Uzziah's Reign
He was 16 when he was made king. He did what was good. His father was Amaziah. He built up the kingdom of Judah. He got leprosy. -
746 BCE
Shallum's Reign (I)
Shallum was the son of Jabesh. He did evil. He only reigned for one month before he was killed. -
746 BCE
Zechariah's Reign (I)
Zechariah only reigned for six months. He did what was evil. He was killed by Shallum. He was Jeroboam 2's son. -
Period: 745 BCE to 735 BCE
Menahem's Reign (I)
He was evil. He cut the babies out of the stomachs of pregnant women. He reigned for 10 years. -
Period: 735 BCE to 733 BCE
Pekahiah's Reign (I)
Pekahiah was the son of Menahem. He did what was evil. His captain, Pekah, killed him. -
Period: 733 BCE to 713 BCE
Pekah's Reign (I)
Pekah was evil. He reigned for twenty years in Israel. He was the captain for Pekahiah who he killed. -
Period: 732 BCE to 716 BCE
Jotham's Reign
He was twenty five when he reigned. His father was Uzziah. He followed in the footsteps of his father and did good. He was allies with the Ammonites. -
Period: 716 BCE to 700 BCE
Ahaz's Life
Ahaz did not walk in the way of the Lord. he worshipped other Gods and even sacrificed his children. He destroyed things in the temple to offer to the king of Assyria. He was the son of Jotham and reigned over Judah. -
Period: 713 BCE to 704 BCE
Hoshea's Reign (I)
Hoshea was the son of Elah. He did what was evil. He was conquered by the kingdom of Assyria. -
Period: 700 BCE to 671 BCE
Hezekiah's Life and Reign
Hezekiah was the son of Ahaz and the king of Judah. He followed the Lord. He reigned for 29 years and restored Judah. -
698 BCE
Hezekiah's Passover
Hezekiah wanted to cleanse the temple and serve God. Passover was a bit late this year because of how long it took to cleanse everything. They sacrificed hundreds of animals for the passover. -
690 BCE
Hezekiah and the Assyrians
Sennacherib came up against Hezekiah. He sent a letter to Hezekiah mocking God and saying they would lose. Hezekiah took the letter to the temple and talked to the Lord. They won the battle. Sennacherib was then killed by his sons while worshipping his gods. -
686 BCE
Hezekiah's Sickness
Hezekiah got sick and was near death. Isaiah came and told him he would die. Hezekiah cried and prayed to God. Then God told Isaiah to tell him he will live another 15 years. God showed him this was true by having the sun move back 10 hours. -
Period: 671 BCE to 616 BCE
Manasseh's Life and Reign
Manasseh was said to be the worst king that Judah ever had. He reigned for 55 years, which is the longest reign. He was the son of Hezekiah. Near the end of his life he repents and follows the Lord. -
Period: 616 BCE to 614 BCE
Amon's Life and Reign
Amon was the son of Manasseh. He was evil and followed after how Manasseh was for most of his reign. He reigned over Judah for 2 years then was killed by his servants. -
Period: 614 BCE to 583 BCE
Josiah's Life and Reign
Josiah was the son of Amon. He reigned in Judah for 31 years. He was a good king and followed the Lord. -
606 BCE
Josiah Purges the Kingdom in the 8th year
Josiah purges his kingdom. He destroys all of the idols and sins. It takes him 10 years. -
596 BCE
Josiah's Great Passover in the 18th year
Hilkiah found the Book of the Law. Josiah realized how horrible the people had been and asked the prophet Huldah what will happen. She said judgement will come in the days of his descendants. Josiah decides to have Passover and read The Book of the Law. It was the biggest Passover. -
583 BCE
Jehoahaz's Life and Reign (J)
Jehoahaz was the son of Josiah. He reigned for 3 months. He was taken to Egypt and remained there. He was evil. -
Period: 583 BCE to 572 BCE
Jehoiakim's Life and Reign
Jehoiakim was the son of Josiah. His name was originally Eliakim. He was evil and fell to Babylon. He reigned in Judah for 11 years. -
572 BCE
Jehoiachin's Life and Reign
Jehoiachin was the son of Jehoiakim. He reigned for 3 months and 10 days. He did what was evil. He was taken captive by Babylon. -
Period: 572 BCE to 561 BCE
Zedekiah's Life and Reign
Zedekiah was the son of Josiah. He was evil and hardened his heart towards the Lord. He reigned for 11 years until Babylon took over again.