Imfeature bulbs 000

The Invisible Man

  • Narrators Grandfather Dies

    Narrators Grandfather Dies
  • High School Graduation Speech

    High School Graduation Speech
  • Narrator Meets Norton

    Narrator Meets Norton
  • Narrator Expelled From College

    Narrator Expelled From College
  • Narrator in the Big Apple

    Narrator in the Big Apple
  • Bledsoe's Treachery is Revealed

    Bledsoe's Treachery is Revealed
  • Narrator Gets New Job & Factory Explosion

    Narrator Gets New Job & Factory Explosion
  • Narrator Suffers Through Electro-Shock

    Narrator Suffers Through Electro-Shock
  • The Eviction

    The Eviction
  • Meets Brother Jack

    Meets Brother Jack
  • Receives New Name

    Receives New Name
  • Narrator Gives First Speech For Brotherhood

    Narrator Gives First Speech For Brotherhood
  • Narrator Appointed "District Spokesperson"

    Narrator Appointed "District Spokesperson"
  • Narrator Meets Tod Clifton

    Narrator Meets Tod Clifton
  • Narrator Receives Steel Link

    Narrator Receives Steel Link
  • Narrator Receives New Assignment

    Narrator Receives New Assignment
  • Tod Clifton Disapears

    Tod Clifton Disapears
  • Clifton is Rediscovered & Dies

    Clifton is Rediscovered & Dies
  • Tod Clifton's Funeral & Reprimands From Brotherhood

    Tod Clifton's Funeral & Reprimands From Brotherhood
  • The Narrator Is Mistaken For Rinehart

    The Narrator Is Mistaken For Rinehart
  • Meets With Hambro/Meets With Sybil

    Meets With Hambro/Meets With Sybil
  • Riot

  • Narrator Meets Mr. Norton Again

    Narrator Meets Mr. Norton Again
  • Narrator Goes Underground

    Narrator Goes Underground