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The Impact of Science and Technology on Society

  • Use of Rifling in Guns

    Use of Rifling in Guns
    Although it was invented during the mid 16th century rifling of barrels did not truly start to catch on until the eighteen hundreds. This advancement made rounds fly straight where the old smoothed barreled guns would fire the shots in many directions.
  • Railroads are Made

    Railroads are Made
    The first departure of a steam locomotive on a railroad was in the UK made by Richard Trevithick. This allowed for faster transportation and bigger loads.
  • Invention of the Steamboat

    Invention of the Steamboat
    First launched by Robert Fulton, this boat could move up stream propelled by a paddle wheel which is powered by a steam engine.
  • Invention of the Stethoscope

    Invention of the Stethoscope
    Created by René Laënnec, the stethoscope is still used today to moniter lung and heart sounds
  • Louis Pastuer is Born

    Louis Pastuer is Born
    A French chemist who is known as the "father of microbiology", he made remarkable discoveries on vaccination, microbial fermentation and pastueurization. Thanks to him several thousand survived from diseases and other lethal illnesses.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    Invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, this new method of communication was difficult to use but provided a very fast way to send messages.
  • Thomas Edison is Born

    Thomas Edison is Born
    Thomas Edison did not invent many things, and what he did invent are now obsolete. He was though very good at patenting others work for himself, which gave him great power and for some reason we still study him even though he was a fraud.
  • Alexander Graham Bell is Born

    Alexander Graham Bell is Born
    Born in Scotland Bell was the inventor of the first practical telephone. He was also an inventor for groundbreaking work on optical telecommunications, hydrofoils and aeronautics.
  • Marie Curie is Born

    Marie Curie is Born
    Curie made a first for many things in the light for women, such as a Nobel Prize, a professor at the University of Paris among many others. She was awarded with these as a result of having been a pioneer on radioactive research.
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    This masterpiece of an invention was created by Alexander Graham Bell, and is still strongly used today. With this people could talk to one another from great distances away.
  • Discovery of X rays

    Discovery of X rays
    The German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers X rays. Which would be used to see bone structure.
  • The First Airship

    The First Airship
    Created by Ferdinand von Zeppelin, was the first successful airship.
  • Gas Warfare

    Gas Warfare
    Starting with tear gas, the use of gases was very effective on the battlefield at he begining because no one knew how to first combat it. Later, lethal gases such as chlorine and mustard gases were used.
  • No. 106 Fuze

    No. 106 Fuze
    An artillery fuze made to explode on barbed wire, it also proved very effective against personnel
  • Insulin used to Treat Diabetes

    Insulin used to Treat Diabetes
    Discovered by Sir Frederick G Banting, Charles H Best and JJR Macleod at University of Toronto. Insulin is still the only used treatment for Type 1 diabetes.
  • Computers are Born

    Computers are Born
    First Created by Eniac the first computer was so large that it filled an entire room. This machine was capable of solving large class of numerical problems.