The history of Taxi Drivers

By ddh9132
  • Where did they come from

    The first cab know to man was Horse carriage that took mostly very rich people here and there
  • Here come cars!!!

    Then the car industries was made. With the car this made you could get from here to there faster. This makes there job a lot faster
  • Taxi around moing around the would

    Taxi Dealer Mann and Overton made a cab for London nicknamed "high lot" because of its height
  • Moving Up

    Moving Up
    By this time there are taxis every where. in almost every city. But how did they get all this cars you ask. They got them from the Checker Cab Manufacturing Co.
  • Diversity of cabs!

    Cabs were making a lot of money and every one wanted in. So Ford,Dodge, Chevrolet and Sutdebaker teamed up and made something great. They made the first yellow taxi And it was in a movie!!!
  • Low point in cabs

    Low point in cabs
    At this time cab were not as fun as they were in the past. And the reason why was because it was nasty. Some people even called it the sleaziest thing in the world and I can see why. It has filled with cigarette butts and paper coffee cups.
  • Ford for the win

    Ford for the win
    In this time there was a battle to two see how had the best cabs Chevrolet and Ford. But in the end Ford Cam out on top
  • Uber is born

    Uber launched its riding service in New York. this was a problem for taxi service.Uber is a easy way to get a taxi and to be come a driver so it was pushing taxi out of work
  • The taxi of tomorrow

    The taxi of tomorrow
    Now a days taxi are bigger so more people can fit in it and a lot of people like.