Ray pic

Ray Harryhausen

  • Ray Harryhausen's Birthday

    Ray Harryhausen's Birthday
    Ray Harryhausen was born in Los Angeles, California, to Martha and Frederick Harryhausen.
  • Support From His Parents

    Ray's parents were very supportive and encouraged him to purse what he wanted to do for a career. They took him to films and showed him models and animation, which was soon to be his future career.
  • Ray Harryhausen's Younger Age

    From a young age, Ray had a passion for dinosaurs and fantasy.
  • King Kong

    King Kong
    At 13 years old, Ray's parents took him to see King Kong, and he began researching how it was made, interested in the process to create the famous film.
  • The Junoir Museum Hobby Show

    The Junoir Museum Hobby Show
    Harryhausen took a major interest in dinosaurs, so when he was 18, he took part in a compition called “The Junoir Museum Hobby Show” where he entered a diorama (a scene, often in miniature, reproduced in three dimensions by placing objects, figures, etc., in front of a painted background) that included a stegosaurus, which took first place.
  • Evolution of the World

    Evolution of the World
    When Ray Harryhausen was only eighteen years old, he began his first big project, ‘Evolution of the World’. He had planned to show the dawn of the planet, to the end of the age of the dinosaurs. He made a number of different dinosaurs, but started to realize the project was too ambitious.
  • Schools He Attended

    At age 20, Ray decided to enroll in art and anatomy night classes at the Los Angeles College, after getting advice from the animator of ‘King Kong’, Willis O’Brien. After realizing that wasn’t enough, he took classes at the University of Southern California where he studied more about editing and photography.
  • Working with Willis O'Brien

    Working with Willis O'Brien
    After World War 2, Harryhausen collected over 1000 feet of unsed military film, and this helped him land a job with Willis O'Brien and Marcel Delgado. He created 85% of the animation, although did not get any credit for it.
  • Warner Brothers

    Warner Brothers
    A big career highlight in his life was when Ray got hired by Warner Brothers to work on special effects. He was becoming more known to the animation world, and his career was taking off.
  • The 7th Voyage of Sinbad

    The 7th Voyage of Sinbad
    In 1958 a big hit “The 7th Voyage of Sinbad' was created. Ray Harryhausen made creatures of every possible description; snake women, two headed giant bireds, skeleton warriros and dueling cyclops and dragon in the finale. This film was a high point in Harryhausen’s career.
    - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMFdVEQcH_0 This link is the video of Harryhausen's big hit, 'The 7th Voyage of Sinbad.'
  • Ray's Wife

    Ray's Wife
    Harryhausen was married to Diana Bruce, which they then had a girl named Vanessa. This picture is of Ray himself, and his only daughter.
  • Ray Harryhausen's technique

    Ray Harryhausen's technique
    Ray Harryhausen's films brought legends to life, and he also became one himself. He advanced the art of special effects to new heights. He used innovative techniques like blending stop motion creatures with live action, something no one had tried doing before.
  • Clash of the Titans

    Clash of the Titans
    This film is about the myth of Perseus and his quest to battle both Medusa and the Kraken monster to save the Princess Andromeda.There are two main models of the Kraken that Ray Harryhausen made. The small one and the large upper torso were only used for one shot of Pegasus flying in front of him.
  • Awards Ray Harryhausen Won

    Awards Ray Harryhausen Won
    In 1992, Ray Harryhausen received a special Oscar, presented to him by Tom Hanks. Although his films never won any Oscars, he was honoured with many awards, from all around the world.
  • Ray's Awards

    In 2010 he was awarded a special British academy of Film and Television Arts award, celebrating his great contributes to cinema. He celebrated his 90th birthday around the same time. Also, in 2011 he received a lifetime award from the Visual Effects society.
  • Ray's Death

    Ray Harryhausen died in London England at age 92.
  • A Messege From George Lucas

    A Messege From George Lucas
    Creator of star wars, George Lucas said “Without Ray Harryhausen, there would likey have been no ‘Star wars’,” which shows how great Harryhausen was with his work.
    Ray Harryhausen(center) is taking a picture with George Lucas(right) as good friends,
  • Ray Harryhausen's Creations

    Ray Harryhausen's Creations
    This video shows a bunch of ray harryhausen’s creatures he created throughtout his career.