The History of Paradise Valley

  • Lechaya is born.

    Lehcaya, Steampunk Elder, is born.
  • Basil is born.

    Basil, a Kerl, is born.
  • Edgar Humefield is born.

    The maliscious Edgar Humefield is born.
  • First Kill

    Edgar Humefield experimentally kills his first animal, a rabbit he caught in a trap.
  • Spilt Blood

    Edgar witnesses his parents killed at the claws and teeth of a rabid wolf.

    *Note: This wolf was not a Shifter.
  • Alaric is born.

    Alaric, Steampunk Warrior, is born.
  • Jed Waldgrave is born.

  • Tse is born.

  • Muraco is born.

  • Ailyn born at midnight.

  • Ixkin born at noon.

  • Zenith Alpha is born.

  • JJ is born.

  • Kaleb is born.

  • Kenalli is born at twilight.

  • Kevin Argall is born.

  • Lilith born, ealy morning.

  • Mercy is born.

  • Felix is born at 2:47 AM

  • Tadewi is born.

  • Alba born at twilight.

  • Deen is born.

  • Razi is born.

  • Tuwa is killed.

  • Ahyoka is born.

  • Tadewi becomes Healer.

  • Kaleb's parents are killed.

  • Leaving for Good

    At sixteen, approximately one year after his parents' death, the devastated Kaleb leaves the Steampunk Pack, filled with anguish over his parents' passing. In his eyes, there is nothing left for him within the pack. It is at this time that revenge began to fill his thoughts and her travels first to the capital of Paradise Valley: Stratinger.
  • I'm Here to Help

    Kaleb returns from his travels, closer than ever to finding his parents' killers. He also has information that may be the saving or the undoing of the packs. He tells Felix that he wants a private meeting with Kenalli a fortnight from that day, when the Full Moon rises.
  • The Beginnings of Chaos, Part 2

    In the same breath, he seems to have feelings for her as he leaves, only after he tells her he knows she did nothing wrong.
    Tadewi returns to camp where Kenalli is ready to question her once again. It doesn’t go well.
  • The Beginnings of Chaos, Part 1

    Kenalli begins talking to Felix. The first hint of a fire sparks between them.
    Kenalli talks to Tadewi and tries to get information out of her about Kaleb and why he might be returning. Tadewi is definitely not receptive.
    Angry at Kenalli’s sudden interest in her, Tadewi leaves camp for a while, where she is followed by both Felix and Kenalli.
    Kaleb shows up and wrongfully attacks Tadewi, accusing her of telling the hunters where his parents were when they were killed.
  • Falling Off the Edge

    In the commotion of things, Felix travels to the outskirts of Ormiston where he “saves” a human child and brings it home to the pack.
    Kenalli allows him to keep it with the promise that he will patrol every day along the human camp in order to ensure the safety of his pack.
  • In the Abyss, Part 1

    Felix follows Tadewi out of camp where they are in turn followed by JJ. Felix is shot when the pair tries to follow JJ to the human camp and to his consternation, is taken in by Jed, the mayor of Ormiston. While in their care, Felix is horrified to find that a delusional young man, whom Felix comes to learn is the source of the scent he and Tadewi were following, weasles his way into Felix's room where he proceeds to tell him that he is going to kill him.
  • In the Abyss, Part 2

    Kenalli and a patrol of Shifters orchestrates the rescue of Felix. Once he is safely home, Kenalli realizes that is the Full Moon; she leaves to meet with Kaleb. When she arrives at the Meeting Rock, he has already arrived. With the information he gives her, she decides to bring him back to camp. Once there, Kaleb’s temper gets the best of him; he attacks the Lord Night Guard, Alaric, ripping out his throat and nearly killing him.
  • In the Abyss, Part 3

    Felix has a fever from his wound; he is in danger of both dying and losing his memory.
  • Rolling in the Depths

    Kaleb comes to Tadewi’s den where they share some tender moments.
    Felix is still unconscious from his fever.
    Alaric awakens and learns that he will no longer be able to hold the position of Lord Night Guard.
  • In the Mire

    Felix awakens, only to find that he has no memory of his life as a Shifter. Tadewi decides to take him to Ormiston where he may be able to sort things out.
    Alba, later to become the Healer of Cloud Runner, is rescued by the insecure Ailyn, leader of the non-existent Cloud Runner, the handsome Muraco, and the introverted Razi. She learns she is a Shifter as well but has no idea how it came about.
    Muraco and Razi take her to Ormiston.