The history of mass media

  • 1041

    Movable clay type print

    Movable clay type print
    First invented in 1041 movable clay was a type of writing letters down on little blocks and it wasn’t widely used in China but once it hit Europe it revolutionized the communication of ideas.
  • The typewriter

    The typewriter
    Made by W.S Burt in 1829 his invention was a machine where you would have to put a paper on top and type the letters you wanted to make a word.
  • The telephone

    The telephone
    Made by Alexander Graham bell in 1876 the telephone was a new way to communicate with people from long distances.
  • The radio

    The radio
    In 1895 the radio was created by Guglielmo Marconi the radio was used to hear news that was being broadcasted or live games.
  • The first magazine

    The first magazine
    In 1923 the company called TIME created the first magazine. The magazine had pictures and important things that happened on the magazine,
  • The tv

    In 1950 the black and white tv was created what the tv did it would be able to stream shows on the tv like the news or comedy shows.
  • Audio cassettes

    The audio cassettes made in 1963 where audio recordings of music and other types of audio.
  • Colored tv

    The colored tv was created in 1980 instead of having black and white shows they released a version of a tv with color.
  • Google

    In 1998 google was invented google is a search engine that is still used to this day the Siri search engine was pretty smart and if you had a complicated question google would help directing you to a website.
  • Messages

    Instant messaging services was created 2001 this was used to talk to people across the world but only one problem you needed a phone and you needed reception.