
The History of Immigration

  • Naturalization Act of 1790

    Naturalization Act of 1790
    Naturalization was only granted to immigrants who were free white persons. This Act left out American Indians, slaves, and blacks.
  • Naturalization Act of 1798

    Naturalization Act of 1798
    This was an act passed by Congress that increased the amount of time it takes for immigrants to become citizens.
  • Irish Potato Famine

    Irish Potato Famine
    The Great Famine in Ireland drove thousands of Irish citizens to immigrate to America.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican War and resulted in approximately 60,000 Mexican residents in the New Mexico Territory to gain U.S. citizenship.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Miners immigrated to the U.S. from China, Latin America, Europe, and Australia in search of gold.
  • Nativist/Know Nothing Movement

    Nativist/Know Nothing Movement
    This was a movement of opposition towards Irish and German Catholic immigration due to the growing fear that Catholic immigrants were overtaking the county.
  • Naturalization Act of 1870

    Naturalization Act of 1870
    Act signed into law by Ulyses S. Grant that created a system of controls and penalties of violating naturalization procedures.
  • Page Act of 1875 (Asian Exclusion Act)

    Page Act of 1875 (Asian Exclusion Act)
    U.S. Supreme Court ruled that immigration is a federal responsibility, not a state. This law was passed to ban the importation of Asian laborers.
  • Immigration Act of 1891

    Immigration Act of 1891
    A commissioner of Immigration was established in the U.S. Treasury Department.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island is the national immigration checkpoint.
  • Literacy Requirement

    Literacy Requirement
    Congress passed a literacy requirement to reduce the number of low-skilled immigrants from entering the U.S.
  • Labor Appropriation Act

    Labor Appropriation Act
    Established a U.S. border patrol.
  • Internal Security Act

    Internal Security Act
    After the Korean War, the Internal Security Act was passed in order to ban any Communist foreigners from immigrating to the U.S.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Immigration Reform and Control Act
    Law passed that forbade employers to hire illegal immigrants.
  • Secure Fence Act

    Secure Fence Act
    This act created a physical barrier along the Mexico-United States border in order to decrease illegal entry and drug trafficking.
  • Arizona Senate Bill 1070

    Arizona Senate Bill 1070
    Allows Arizona police to ask anyone for their proper immigration documentation during a lawful stop or arrest.