The History of Film Timeline

  • Phenakistiscope Invented

    Phenakistiscope Invented
    Cardboard disc with slots around the edge with drawing inbetweem the slots which was spun by hand on an axle infront of the mirror.
  • Zoetrope Created

    Zoetrope Created
    The Same idea that the phenakistiscope but used a Cylinder as the shape so many people could look at the moving pictures opposed to just one.
  • Leland Stanford's Bet

    Leland Stanford's Bet
    On June 15, 1878 Leland Stanford wanted to know if Horse have all 4 feet in the air while running. He made a bet with Eadweard Muybridge a photohrapher that they did. So Muybridge set up 12 cameras with trip wires and each camera had 2 shutters each so they could catch the events as they happened and the results came out and horses all 4 feet come off the ground during their trot.
  • Zoopraxiscope Invented

    Zoopraxiscope Invented
    Image painted around a disc that was spun and displayed and projected the images on a distant surface
  • George Eastman first camera

    George Eastman first camera
    Introduced the first handheld box camera that used rolls of transparents film that was small enough and cheap enough for "everyone" to afford and use.
  • Black Maria First Studio

    Black Maria First Studio
    Edison and Dickinson made the first studio con'd the Black Maria becuase they needed to make films before they could commercialize their new invention the Kinetoscope. The building was built on tracks that could turn to face the tracks.
  • Fred Otts Sneeze

    Fred Otts Sneeze
    One of the earliest films created of a man named Fred Ott and it was the first copyrighted film. It lasted 3 seconds
  • Kinteoscope Parlor

    Kinteoscope Parlor
    Was the first Kinetoscope parlor that opened so people could use it and see what it was all about, it was highly profitable untill other inventions came and drove it out of buisness.
  • Lumiere Brothers first Public Screening

    Lumiere Brothers first Public Screening
    Held at the grand cafe in Paris the Lumiere Brothers are credited with the first public screening of films where they played 10 films that where 20 minutes long each.
  • Kinetoscope invented

    Kinetoscope invented
    Thosmas Edisons assistant W.K.L Dickson first invented the Kinetoscope and it was a peepwhole viewer with pictures on a film that ran threw the rollers that displayed a 20 second video that was a continuous loop. Even though it was made way before 1897 it wasnt pattened untill then and influenced all of cinema.
  • A Trip to the Moon Released

    A Trip to the Moon Released
    A Movie created by Georges Melies considered the Magician of the Cinema was the first to use stop-motion and special effects to his movies and created this beautiful movie which was a comic science fiction story about scientist going to the moon and being captured by Aliens aka moon creatures.
  • The great train robbery

    The great train robbery
    The Great Train Robbery was the first movie created with multiple plot lines , the first film to use a dummy, using minor camera movement and multiple location shooting.
  • Kinemacolor

    Was the first successful way of making films that had color in them instead of the usual black and white created by George Albert Smith of brighton
  • "The Jazz Singer" The first Talkie

    "The Jazz Singer" The first Talkie
    The Jazz Singer is credited with being the first Movie that had actual sound playing from it instead of live performer(s) directed by Alan Crosland. Sound films were known as Talkies.