The History of Film

By cydni
  • Zoopraxiscope

    Pictures on a disk are spun at a high speed creating an illusion of an animation. The Zoopraxiscope was invented by Eadweard Muybridge
  • Vaudeville

    A small theater that hosted skits and other live acts. The show ended once the acts where booed off the stage.
  • Kinetoscope

    Edison's company create a device that showed pictures at a really fast rate making the photos look as if they were moving. Edison made tons of money by selling them to parlors. He believed that if only one person could see it at a time he could make more money.
  • Cinematographe

    The Lumiere brother created the cinematograph and combination of the camera and the projector. According to popular history Edison didnt intially want to create this combination. In these cinematographs in watched 30 to 60 second shorts.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    In 1903 the first U.S. narrative, The Great Train Robbery was released. The silent short was a western film. DIrected by Ewin Porter it was a great 12 minute sucess.
  • 1st Movie Theater

    The first movie theater was built. It was built in Pittsburg.
  • Fantasmagorie

    Fantasmagorie is a 1908 french film animation. Created by Emile Cohl it was an exapmle of early animation.
  • Movie Theaters

    In 1909 the U.S. was estimated to have 9,000 movie theaters. The average movie length was about one reel or 10 to 12 minutes. Preformers remand unnamed.
  • Nickelodeon

    In 1910 nickelodeons were the talk of the town attracting 26 million people per week. In five years those numbers were estimated to double. The nickelodeon finanial sucess attracted seekers of big pofit.
  • Animation

    Disneys first full- length animated feature was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. As soon as it hit theaters it became an instant classic.
  • Longest Movie Ever

    In 1939 the longest movie was released. Gone with the Wind an america drama is 238 minutes.
  • Charlie Chaplin

    The Tramp was this actor breakthough. After this movie he became very popular and was featured in several other movies as well.