
The History Of Cell Phones

  • The First Cell Phone

    The First Cell Phone
    In 1977 the first cell phone was made in Chicago . When it first came out 2000 people were given a free trial. Then other places started to make cell phones similar to those cell phones.
  • Period: to

    The Creation of Cell Phones

  • The TDM phone technology

    The Cellular Technology Industry Association is created and helped make the industry into an empire. One of its biggest contributions was when it helped create the TDMA phone technology, It became available to the public in 1991.
  • The first smart phone

    The first smartphone was designed by IBM in 1992 and was called Simon. It was shown as a concept product that year at COMDEX expo. He was released to the public in 1993 and marketed by BellSouth.
  • The iphone 5

    The iphone 5
    The iPhone 5 is an evolution of the 4, with a longer screen for more room for app icons and an aspect ratio better suited to widescreen films. It's also incredibly quick - more than twice as fast as the iPhone 4S in the Sunspider JavaScript benchmark.
  • The future cell phone

    In the future, cell phones will be like your own personal servants, because they will do almost anything you ask them to do.. It can also transform in size making it as big as you want. The password will also be easily accessible, because all you have to do is look at the screen and it will unlock itself and open to the homepage.