55254826e4b0baeae3c80f3a eabollich 1428509554189 atoms

The History of Atoms

  • 460 BCE


    he was born atabdera about 460 bce (c.460 -c.370bc) he contributed to the theory of atomism
  • Antoine levoiser

    Antoine levoiser
    The chemistry Lavoisier studied as a student was not a subject particularly noted for conceptual clarity or theoretical rigour
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    He viwed atomnism by the way of meterlogy
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    he discovered of radioactivity in 1896, he discovered nuclear chemistry
  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    she discovered nuclear physics in 1896
  • Max Planck

    Max Planck
    Max Planck solved this problem in 1900 by introducing the theory of quanta, that is, that radiation consists of quanta with specific energies determined by a new fundamental constant, thereafter called Planck's constant.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    theoretical physics
    Albert Einstein received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1922.
  • Roberts Millikan

    Roberts Millikan
    In 1910 Robert Millikan succeeded in precisely determining the magnitude of the electron's charge.
  • Neils bohr

    Neils bohr
    The discovered of electron and radioactivity at the end of the 19th centry led to different models for the structure of the atom in 1913
  • J.J Thomson

    J.J Thomson
    He was Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge, where he succeeded Lord Rayleigh, from 1884 to 1918 and Honorary Professor of Physics, Cambridge and Royal Institution, London .(https://www.nobelprize.org)
  • louis de broglie

    louis de broglie
    in 1924 lous de brolie introduced the idea that particles ,such as electrons (quantum mechanics )
  • Western Heisenberg

    Western Heisenberg
    In 1925, Werner Heisenberg formulated a type of quantum mechanics based on matrices.
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    Erwin Schrodinger
    (quantum mechaniecs) in niels bohrs therory of the atom
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    James Chadwick discovered nuclear physics as well as Marie Curie but he discovered it in 1932