Txu oclc 247233313 europe pol 2008

The Eastern Europe Front 1941-1943

  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    After the Axis Alliance of Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia, Hitler initiated his eastern European allies into his plans to invade the soviet union. German Forces invaded the Soviet Union less than 2 years after the German Soviet Pact was signed
  • The Siege of Leningrad

    The Siege of Leningrad
    In early September of 1941, the German Forces had reached the gates of Leningrad in the north. The Germans had taken Smolensk in the center and Dnepropetrovsk in the south.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    German commander Field Marshal Van Bock had been given the command of the attack of Moscow, Russia. Hitler believed that the capital of Russia being attacked and cut out of Russia, the whole nation would collapse.
  • Germany Declares War on the U.S.

    Germany Declares War on the U.S.
    After Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, the U.S. declares war on Japan. A gateway that led to Germany and its Axis powers declaring war on the U.S.
  • Hitler in control

    Hitler in control
    After the counterattacks by the fierce resistance group in Moscow, Hitler dismissed the commander in chief of the army, and the three army commanders. On this day Hitler took control of the German Army.
  • Turning Point in World War II

    Turning Point in World War II
    The attack of the German army went well, and by October 7 major roads to Moscow were open to the Germans. The Germans circled the Red Army and captured them. Russia's resistance group counter attacked the Germans and too many German soldiers were lost. By January 1942 the Moscow threat ended.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Germany and its Axis partners resumed the attack towards the Soviet Union. German troops fight their way into Stalingrad on the Volga river. A massive attack to the south and southeast.
  • Soviet Union Counterattack

    Soviet Union Counterattack
    Soviet troops counterattack, breaking through the Hungarian and Romanian lines northwest and southwest of Stalingrad and trapping the German Sixth Army.
  • Sixth Army Surrenders

    Sixth Army Surrenders
    After the attack of the Soviet Union in Stalingrad, Germany's Sixth Army surrenders. It was forbidden for Hitler to retreat or try to break out of the soviet ring, the survivors had to surrender.
  • African Campaign

    African Campaign
    After three years of war, the Axis Forces in Tunisia surrender to the Allies, ending the North African campaign. Operation Torch brought in thousands of British and U.S. forces to join the attack in Tunisia.