The Dracula Mystery

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    A castle with terrifying and gloomy appearance. This is Bran Castle, better known to tourists as Dracula's Castle, located in Transylvania, Romania. It is one of the most famous in the world and best preserved.
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    From a very young age, Vlad III showed a morbid fascination with the dungeons of his father's castle. However, he was extremely cruel to his enemies, whom he condemned to the capital punishment of impalement. It tells the story, and in fact there are engravings that guarantee it, that Vlad The Impaler threw blood into a bowl of his victims and dipped the bread in it while he ate. The term Dracula derives from ruma
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    This individual who impaled or skinned alive the women who lacked chastity had a lover in a house in Tirgoviste. This woman always had trouble cheering him up and once he saw him quite depressed, he said to cheer him up by saying he was going to have a child of his. Dracula felt so bad that he threatened to kill her if it was a joke. Knowing that her threats were more than certain preferred continue with the farce until Dracula sent midwives to verify the truth
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    Dracula died on the battlefield fighting the Turkish invaders. His reputation finally met him: his army simply outnumbered, switched to the enemy side. Overall, it was to join the Turks or continue under fear of being impaled by Dracula ... His head was cut off - possibly by his own troops, which would not be surprising - and his head was sent to the Turkish Sultan, who placed it impaled on the entrance of his palace

    In the United States, in 1892, the body of a young man was unearthed and his heart was cut and burned, because they suspected he was a vampire.

    Between 2002 and 2003 in the African country of Malawi, people reported vampire attacks.

    In 2004, Petre Toma was suspected by his family of being a vampire. At his death, his family unearthed the body, cut his heart, burned it, and mixed the ashes with water. This ritual is an ancient technique used to destroy vampires