The Depression and World War 2

  • Stock Market Crash

    In October of 1929, the United States witnessed a major collapse in their economic standings. Inflation began to take place. The U.S. stock market began to take a downfall.
  • The Dust Bowl

    Along with many economic failures during the Depression era, there was also crop failure in the Great Plains. This crop failure was named the Dust Bowl- terrible storms of dust created. The cause of it was the lack of crop rotation and the drying of soil.
  • Unemployment Increase

    As the economic downfall began to progress, unemployment rates were also increasing. The U.S. unemplyment rate was at 8.7%. That is five percent higher than the rate before the Depression took place. Citizens were beginning to lose jobs and support for their families.
  • Migrant

    Due to the unemployment increase, many citizens decided to move west to provide support for their families. Word spread quickly about jobs and land opportunities in California. Many people took advantage of those opportunities.
  • New Deal Programs Fail

    The New Deal programs, set up by FDR, begin to be unsuccessful for the U.S. Unemployment is rising and economic recession is taking place. Many people called it the "Roosevelt Recession".
  • Peace Demonstration

    Thousands of diverse citizens came together to promote peace. At the time, Great Britain was declaring war on Nazi Germany. Citizens were ready for peace and a new change to evolve.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    In the Battle of the Atlantic, Germany had plans to control the Atlantic. They did this by blockading American merchant ships. America responded by blocking Germany's trade routes.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese bombers and pilots attacked the U.S. navy fleet in Hawaii. The Japanese made it a suprise to the Americans. The attack was made as a prevention of interference with Japanese military actions.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Japanese aircraft carriers came in contact with American aircraft carriers. Japanese forces invaded Port Moresby hoping to gain victory in the attack. The Allies gained the victory.
  • Blackout

    In June of 1932, Japanese bombers attacked an Alaskan town in a fight against the U.S. The U.S. military commanded a blackout on all of the news in Alaska. This prevented Alaskan citizens from seeing the harmful chaos going on in their country.
  • Battle of Midway

    This battle took place at the Pacific base, Midway atoll. Japanese troops wanted to gain superiority, Americans had the victory.
  • Battle of Stalingard

    This battle between German forces and the Soviet Union was the longest and most bloodiest battle of World War II. German forces destroyed almost all of Stalingard with their war tactics. They then surrendered in 1943.
  • D-Day

    The Allied forces had a goal to win victory over Germany. They were lined up on the beaches of Normandy, France ready for battle. This was known as the largest military engagement in history.
  • Allies Liberate Paris

    After four years under German occupation, Paris was set free. The Allied forces' plan to liberate the city was successful. German control was reduced.
  • Liberation of Death Camps

    In the middle of their battle against the Nazis, Allied Forces helped the Jewish people by liberating several death camps on their way to attack German forces. They saw the Jews were severaly sick and starved. The Soviets were the first to arrive liberating the most camps on their way to battle.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge was a last attempt by Hitler to split the Allies in half. The Germans tried to laugh a suprise attack. They quickly ran out of equipment and troops leading to another Ally victory.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler commits suicide with wife, Eva Braun. This helped to end World War II and calm the tension between nations.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    International Military Tribunals tried former Nazi War Criminals. The trials were held to improve Germany's economic, political, and military leadership. The Allied Forces sought out organization for Germany after the war.
  • VE Day

    The Allies announced the surrender of German forces in Europe. Celebrations took place all around the world. From Moscow to Los Angeles, the long-awaited celebration was a day of importance that would change history.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Japanese forces invaded the Pacific island through mass air attacks. The Americans responded with air strikes causing an Allied victory. It was known as one of the bloodiest wars of World War II.