The Crucible

  • Event 1: Girls dancing in the woods

    One girl was naked and Reverend Parris saw them. Abigail was a part of the group.
  • Event 2: Abigail accuses Tituba of withcraft.

    Tituba gets whipped.
  • Event 3: Betty got sick.

    Reverend Hale came in to Salem to see what was wrong with her.
  • Event 4: Abigail and Proctor speak with each other.

    Abigail tells John that he loves her but John knows he does not and he call her a child.
  • Event 5: John Proctor tells his wife about his affair with Abigail Williams

  • Event 6: Mary Warren gives Elizabeth a poppet that has a needle in its stomach.

  • Event 7: Rebecca Nurse was arrested and charged with the murder of Mrs. Putnams babies.

  • Event 8: Abigail stabs herself in the stomach with a needle and accuses Elizabeth of it.

    Elizabeth gets taken to jail.
  • Event 9: John Proctor goes to the court and confesses about his affair with Abigail Williams.

  • Event 10: Elizabeth was brought into the court.

    She lied about knowing about the affair because she thought it benefited John.
  • Event 11: John Proctor was hung

    He was hung because he refused to sign his name to a written confession.
  • Event 12: The town had riots and rebelled against the whitcraft trials.