The Cold War Timeline

  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    This was the turning point in World War 2. The Soviet Union blocked off all contact and supllies going into West Gerrmany. The Allied Powers flow over Berlin and dropped supplies.
    *It was a positive, because they saved people and it helped with ending WW2.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Rgis was a war between North and South Korea for control over the whole country. America fought for the south so it would be a democratic government, when the north is communist. The south had help from China and the Soviet Union. In the end they split half of the land.
    *This was a positive because they prevented communism from spreading more and made an allie.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    This was a race between the US and Soviet Union on who could make it around the earth first in space. Soviet was in the lead with Sputnik 1, however the compition changed into a friendship to form the International Space Station.
    *This was a positive, because it started to form a bond between the two countires.
  • U-2 Reconnaissance Plane

    U-2 Reconnaissance Plane
    The US CIA had sent in a plane into Soviet territory, but it got shot down. This lead to a embarrasing conference between the two.
    *This was negative, because this embarrased the US and could show people that they aren't as strong as they though.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    THe Us Cia tried to invade Cuba. They wanted to take down Fidel Castro and his communist government. They faild miserably.
    *THis was a negitive, because it was a complete embarrassment for the US foreign policy.
  • Reagan Visits the Wall

    Reagan Visits the Wall
    President Ronald Reagan visits the Berlin Wall and gives a speech. He is telling the Soviet Union to open the barrier which seperates East and West Berlin since 1961.
    *This was a positive, because in the long run it is noticed when the wall did come down in 1989.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    A 13-day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Soviet had missile bases in Cuba. President Kennedy decleared a quarantine on Cuba.
    *This was a negative, because it would have caused another nuclear war.
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

    Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
    This was two rounds of conferences between the US and the Soviet Union. It was lead to the signing of two Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties.
    *This was a positive, because it reduced fighting between the two countries and started to creat peace.
  • Soviets invade Afghanistan

    Soviets invade Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union decided to go into Afghanistan and they assumed they had complete control of the country. Soon the Allied powers got in the middle and devised numerous measures to compel Moscow to withdraw.
    *This was a positive, because this this helped with preventing the spread of communism.
  • The fall of the Iron Curtain

    The fall of the Iron Curtain
    About 600 East Germans attended a picnic on the Hungarian border. The curtain then broke and the germans flouded into Austria. The Hungarian gausrd said they would shot if anyone crossed, but they didn't interven when the time came.
    *This was a positive, because the Germans were now frre from the communist control.