Cold war by costalonga d4bdjsg

The Cold War Timeline

  • The Communists defeat the Nationalists in China

    The Communists defeat the Nationalists in China
    Chinese Communist leader, Mao Zedong defeated Chiang Kai-shek since the Nationaist military was corrupt and weak since America would only give them supplies but not troops. Containment failed for America. Considered the Chinese Civil War
  • Policy of Containment

    Policy of Containment
    The policy of containment was created during this year but not on this exact date. A way to contain communism in the Soviet Union so no other non-communist country like America can turn communist. Divided Europe into two political regions: one Democratic side and one Communist side. "Iron Curtain" term was for the division of Europe
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman doctrine was created to assist foreign countries in the event of communist takeover in a freely governed country. It states "it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." which means in a simple way, to stop communism from spreading anywhere else.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was created to help any European countries by giving them money to reduce hunger, poverty and chaos. Billions of dollors was given to 16 countries. Not sure on what exact day this was made
  • Comecon

    Literaly another name for the Warsaw Pact. The creation of comecon was during this month. Not sure on exact date
  • NATO Formed

    NATO Formed
    The NATO treaty was made on this day to create an alliance between many western European countries and the United States to protect one another from communist takeover. Spooks the Soviet Union
  • Berlin Airlift ends the Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Airlift ends the Berlin Blockade
    After months of blocking off the western part of Berlin, the Soviet forces blocking the area lift the block since of continuous shipments of supplies from Britain and America. Even brought Christmas presents that the pilots got with their own money. Boosted American prestige around the world and weakened the spread of communism.
  • The Soviet Union Tests their First Atomic Bomb

    The Soviet Union Tests their First Atomic Bomb
    Shocks the world, mostly the US to sharply improve their defenses. Was extremely earlier for the Soviets to develop nuclear warheads than the US expected. Brought the world closer to WW3 because of this event
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    The Korean War

    North Korea attacksthe South to unite South Korea back as one country under communism. Extremely matched on both sides, even with American and Chinese support. Ends in a stalemate.
  • Stalin's Death

    Stalin's Death
    Before his death, he establishes the Soviet Sphere of influence by the Warsaw Pact. Joseph Stalin died today. Famed and feared leader is now replaced by a small group of Soviet leaders until Kruschev takes control
  • Dien Bien Phu

    The French surrendered their forces at their base posted in the city of Dien Bien Phu. Not sure on exact date of surreneder
  • Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1 into space

    Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1 into space
    Major event in astronomcal discovery. Officially starts the Space Race between America and the Soviet Union. First time America loses in anything. Gave the Soviet Union international prestige over America. Shocked America since the Soviet's technology is better than America's.
  • The Berlin Wall is Built

    The Berlin Wall is Built
    A way of seperating divided Berlin from communist east and democratic west. Gave east Berlin residents the option of freedom to move into a democratic area, free from communism. Made tensions in the Cold War worse. Became an ugly symbol of communism.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Soviets have moved missles into Cuba extremely close to America. Shocked America to retaliate by invading and disarming the missles but failed. Ended by President JFK and Kruschev agreeing to remove their warheads from Turkey and Cuba. Ends 13 days later on October 18, 1962
  • Johnson Escalates Troop Numbers to Start Vietnam War

    Johnson Escalates Troop Numbers to Start Vietnam War
    The president after JFK, Lyndon Johnson, increases the number of fighting military personel before the Vietnam War. Wanted to keep Vietnam undercontrol since they are now coummunist. Took extreme measures to stop the Vietcong like "Operation Rolling Thunder". Not sure when exact date was but is in the year of 1965.
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    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    Turned one of the main oil supplies in the Middle East and could pose a threat if the Soviet Union takes it over. Soviets had superior weapons but the rebels used guerrilla tactics to fight them back and out of the country. Both sides suffered thousands of casualties. The after the Soviets left, Afghanistan implimented rules based on Islamic tradtion.
  • Nixon Signs Agreement to Withdraw Troops from Vietnam

    Nixon Signs Agreement to Withdraw Troops from Vietnam
    Wanted to pull out our troops since it would have been a never-ending nightmare if we kept our troops there. Was an end as "Peace and Honor". Gradually pulled out our troops from Vietnam.
  • Berlin Wall is Torn Down

    Berlin Wall is Torn Down
    Result of weakening communist influence in eastern Europe. Revolted many of their communist governments in each country and changed back to democracy or their own, non-communist government. Finally united Germany and Berlin after WW2