The Cold War

  • VE Day

    Victory in Europe. Berlin surrenders to the Red Army
  • Potsdam Conference

    Germany cut into 4 zones of occupation.
  • Period: to

    America Drops two atomic Bombs

    The Atmoic bombs were dropped in Nagasaki and Hiroshima and made The United States the most powerful country in the world.
  • Communist take over Chekoslovakia

    The Communists take over Chekoslovakia thus beginig the race for prevailing governing systems.
  • Period: to

    Berlin is Blockaded by the Communists

    Berlin is blockaded by the soviets. US and Soviet tensions run high.
  • The Soviets test first Atomic Bombs

  • The Peoples Republic Of China Established

  • Truman Approves H bomb development

  • Joe McCarthy begins Communists witch hunt

    Known as McCarthyism thisinvolved the tracking down and elimination of supposed soviet spies.
  • Period: to

    The Korean War

    A war that was fought for who would control Korea, the Communists or the forces of Democaracy.
  • Britain develops A-Bomb

    Furthers the nuclear arms race.
  • First H-Bomb test

    Bomb yeilds a significantly higher payload than the originial atomic bombs.
  • Vietna split at 17th parallel

    Vietnam became the longest fight against communism that the US was enganged in.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    The Warsaw pact wast he communist response to NATO. It was an organization made up of the Eatern European communist states and the Soviet Union.
  • The U.S Launches Explorer 1

    With the launch of The US space program many advanes of rocket power and and solar exploration take place.
  • Sputnik launched into orbit

    Kicked off the space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
  • Fidel Castro takes over Cuba

    Fidel Castro declares that he will rule as a dictator. This event eventually leads to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • JFK elected President

  • Bay Of Pigs

    The Bay Of Pigs was an attempt to disspose Castro using Cuban nationalists with CIA aid and the potentially thesupport of the united states military. The US military pulled out and the bay lf pigs was a massive failure.
  • Construction of the Beriin Wall begins

    The Berlin Wall cut Berlin in half. One Side free. One side part of the Soviet Union.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Almost resulted with the destruction of the World.
  • UN calls for ban on all Nuclear testing

    Nuclear testing is banned.
  • President John. F. Kennedy assassinated

    JFK was assasinated in Dallas Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Gulf Of Tonkin incident

    The USS Maddox engadged in armed conflict three North Vietnamese torpedo boats.
  • A- Bombs developed by China

    Continuation of the nuclear arms race.
  • B-52's Bomb North Korea

    Hot War officially begins in North Korea, Cold War Proxy War.
  • Nixon elected president

  • Apollo 11 Lands on the moon

    America Surpassses The Soviet Union in the Space Race and are the first people to land on the moon.
  • President Nixon extends Vietnamese war into Cambodia

  • Publication of the Pentagon Papers

    Cause the Government to be viewed in a harsh light and causes further resentment for the vietnam war
  • President Nixon Resigns

    Nixon resigns the presidency after the Watergate scandal. Proving that the president lied to his people.
  • The Iranian Shah overthrown

    The US backed Shah was overthrown and the US embassy workers were taken hostage. Plot of the movie ARGO
  • The Soviets Invade Afghanistan

    Soviets invade Afghanistan the Muja Hajdin beat them and they leave while simultaniously being killed by the Muja hajdin.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the Soviet Union

  • The Soviets Withdraw from Afghanistan

  • Poland becomes Independent

    Poland is no longer part of the soviet Union.
  • Hungary becomes independent

    Hungary is no longer part of the Soviet Union.
  • Berlin Wall destroyed allowing unhindered migration from East Germany to West Germany

    Berlin Wall is broken down causing an end to the seperation.
  • Period: to

    Decline Of the Soviet Empire

    Communist Governments decline in Chekoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania.
  • Lithuania becomes independent

    The Country of Lithuania leaves the Soviet Union.
  • Boris Yelten becomes president of Russia

    End of the Soviet union imminent.
  • Germany Reuinted

    After 45 years of seperation.
  • The Soviet Union Falls: End of the Cold War

    Cold War Ends