The Cold War By: Aaron Laws

By lawsa21
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    The Cold War By: Aaron Laws

  • Pottsdam Conference

    Pottsdam Conference
    During the Pottsdam Conference there was a declaration saying Japan must surrender WWII. During the Conference Truman Mentioned to Stalin a Powerful Weapon. Later at the end of the Conference Japan was told to surrender or meet "Utter Destruction".
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    Winston Churchill was not reelected as British prime minister. He took a train with the president to make a speech. At the request of Winmister Colledge. Winston gave his speech to 40,000 people in a city with a population of 7,000.
  • National Security Act

    National Security Act
    The National security act mandated a huge reorganization of the forign policy and military for the U.S. By doing this the president found useful. They then created the National Security Council.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Truman stood and spoke in front of congress that we need to help the Greek government from being communist. By this time the British had already given up on the Greeks. Truman also asked congress to help Turkey as well since they lost British aid.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Air lift was also called Berlin blockade. Reason is because the Soviets Blocked everything so the Americans couldnt get in to help the people. Not only did they block the way in but also the way out.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    ERP or European Recovery Plan, was up to the Americans to give help to Europe after the end of WWII. Just used to stop the spread of Communism. The plan was in effect for 4 yrs.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    The United States Recognized the Nation the day of. We supported Belflour Declaration of 1917 which allowed for a jewish home in Palestine Roosevelt assured the Arabians. There was unlimited Jewish immigration into this new nation.
  • NATO Ratified

    NATO Ratified
    NATO a.k.a Northen Atlantic Treaty Organization is mainly consisted of Collective defense. Where the members agree to mutual defense. Which is like a defence mechanism against an external nation.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    It was a war Republic of Korea vs. Democratic People's Republic of Korea or South vs. North. North was supported by both China and Soviet Union but China dropped out early. The United States supported the South, and still do as the war has not ended.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact a.k.a Treaty of Friendship Co-Operation. Mutual Assistance was the Council for mutual economic Assistance. This pact was a formation of 8 of the communist nations.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    Also called the Tripartite Aggression. The Attack was sprung by the desision of Gamal Abdel Nasser. It was caused by Britan and US withdrawing and the new friendships between the soviets and the Egyptians
  • Sputnik I

    Sputnik I
    First satelite from earth, it is 58 cm in diameter witha polished metal sphere. It also has 4 metal atennas for radio contact back on earth. The Soviets launched it at a low earth orbit.
  • Sputnik II

    Sputnik II
    Sputnik II was the Second Achievement of the Soviets and was also the second thing in earths orbit. The Sputnik II had a passenger named Laika and was the first animal to be set into earths orbit. Sputnik I had really astonished US in the space race and really set the Soviets ahead.
  • NASA Formed

    NASA Formed
    NASA was US first Space progrma formed during the Cold War. This was the orgnaization that worked to gether to not only compete in the spcae race but to get the first man to the moon.
  • Bay of Pigs (Begins)

    Bay of Pigs (Begins)
    In Latin America Called the Invasión de Bahía de Cochinos. It turned out to be a failed mission to to overtake Cuba. Started at Guatemala it took three days before the invasion was over the cuban armed forces won.
  • Berlin Wall is Constructed

    Berlin Wall is Constructed
    Construction began Aug 13 1961. It cut off West Berlin from Germany. It was Also called the Anti-Fascists protection Rampart.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    This war was also called the Second IndoChina War Known by the vietnamese as American War. The war before this one was fought by North Vietnam and Soviet Union vs US and South Vietnam. The South relied on Air Superiority and Search and Destroy operations.
  • Sino-Soviet Conflict

    Sino-Soviet Conflict
    It was a seven month undeclared military conflict between the Soveit Union and China, it split in 1969. This conflict was resolved with future border demarcation. This conflict was in the vicinity Zhenbao Island.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Was called the missle scare aswell as the cuban missle crisis. The preperations were noticed by the Defense intelligence Agency. They found mid-range and intermeditate range ballistic misiles.
  • China's first Atom Bomb

    China's first Atom Bomb
    Lop Nur was the site ofthe neuclear testing, The Necleur Test was initially called 596 but was named by western intellegence Chic - 1.
  • USS Pueblo Incident

    USS Pueblo Incident
    Was an Elint and Signit was boarded and captured by North Korean Forces. The Declassified Sygad for the NSA and the DSU aswell as the NSG the patrol involved in the incident was the USN-4677Y. Came only a week after Lydon's address.
  • Red Army Crushes Czech

    Red Army Crushes Czech
    200,000 Warsaw Pact troops and 5,000 Tanks invade to crush the prague spring. Which is a breif period of liberization in the communist country. They seized control of the democratic Gov. in 1948.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    Also known as the May 4 Massacre, involved in the shooting of unarmed colledge students. The Gaurdsmen shot 67 rounds in the matter of 13 sec killing 4 and wounding 9 one of whom had permanent paralysis.
  • Nixon Vists China

    Nixon Vists China
    Nixon visting People's Republic of China was a very important step in his career. By Nixon going to China it ended 25 yrs of seperation.
  • US & China Diplomatic Relations

    US & China Diplomatic Relations
    Refers to International relations between USA and the PRC. The Quing Dynasty opend the first international relations in the 19th century. This took place after the Xhing Revolution newly formed diplomatic ties with the US.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    52 American diplomats and civilans were held hostage for 444 days. A group of Iranian students took over the US embassy in Tehran. President Jimmy Carter stated that the US will not yeild to the blackmail.
  • Boycott of the Olympics

    Boycott of the Olympics
    The boycott of the Los Angelos Olypics was a follow up of the boyott of the 1980 Summer olympics. The Boycott involved 13 eastern bloc country's and allies. Which was led by the Soviet union and who initiated the boycott of 1984.
  • Berlin Wall Tore Down

    Berlin Wall Tore Down
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre
    Commonly known as the June Fourth Incident or more accuratly the 89' Democratic Movement. As the troops with assualt rifles and tanks fired upon unarmed civilans in the heart of Beijing.The Chinese condemened this as counter revolutionary riot.
  • Decline of Soviet Union

    Decline of Soviet Union
    The increasing political unrest led to the establishment of the soviet military and the communist party of the soviet union to attempt coup d'état to oust Mikhail Gorbechev and to reestablish a strong central regime.