• Period: to

    The Yalta Conference

    It was a meeting held by Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt. Around the end of it the ally status between Russia and the US began to deteriorate.
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    Potsdam Conference

    It was held by the same powers as the yalta conference, but was focused on Europe after the war and that Japan needs to surrender.
  • Churchill's iron curtain speech

    Churchill's iron curtain speech
    Churchill talked about how certain areas were blocked off.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President had asked for US help for Turkey and Greece, and the soviets weren't too fond of that idea, so it sort of kicked off the Cold War.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    An American Initiative to help aid Western Europe by paying the costs needed to help the rebuild themselves.
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    Berlin Airlift

    After the Soviets had blocked off all access to Berlin, the US would begin supplying Berlin with what they need by flying over and dropping off supplies.
  • Formation of West Germany

    Formation of West Germany
    It was established when Germany was split into four zones.
  • The Formation of NATO

    The Formation of NATO
    Standing for the "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", it is a military alliance between 29 North American and European countries.
  • Soviet Union explodes first atomic bomb

    Soviet Union explodes first atomic bomb
    The soviets had set up a test site that resembles a town or city and had set up animals in cages to see how the radiation would affect humans. After the bomb exploding, all the buildings and bridges set up were destroyed and the animals were all incinerated.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    It was a treaty of friendship between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, basically meaning they'd help each other.