The cold war ppt 1 638

The Cold War

  • Buffer States of the USSR

    Buffer States of the USSR
    The Communist world spread to Central and Eastern Europe forming a protective buffer zone for the USSR.
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    The First Atomic Bomb, was dropped on Hiroshima by the U.S. many believe it started the Cold War. After killing thousands of Japanese, it appeared the second objective was the mass destruction of the Soviet Union.
  • Molotov Plan

    Molotov Plan
    the system created by the Soviets to provide aid to rebuild the countries in Europe and Asia.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The policy of President Truman. To provide military and economic aid to Greece, Turkey, and any other country threatened by communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    A program proposed by Genera George C. Marshall. The program which the United States provided European countries economic aid to help rebuild after World War II.
  • U.S. Aid to Turkey

    U.S. Aid to Turkey
    A large majority of the Congress had approved $400 million for military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey.
  • NATO Formed

    NATO Formed
    NATO being the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is established by 12 Western Nations: The US, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada and Portugal. NATO was created to provide defense against Soviet aggression.
  • USSR Detonated its First Bomb

    USSR Detonated its First Bomb
    They placed animals in cages nearby so they could test the effects. The bomb was roughly equal to the first U.S. atomic bomb, "Trinity."
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    War that began when North Korea invaded part of South Korea. North Korea was quickly backed up by China and South Korea was aided by the United Nations forces.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Military alliance of communist nations. This specific one was between Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    Began when thousands of people demanded more of a democratic system, free from the Soviet dictatorship. Over 2000 Hungarians died, 200,000 more fled.
  • Suez Canal Crisis

    Suez Canal Crisis
    Suez Canal Crisis happened when the United Kingdom and France tried to regain control of the Suez Canal. Political pressure caused three of the invaders with withdrawal giving power to Egypt’s ruler Nasser.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik, was the first artificial satellite launched by the Soviets in Moscow. Now, its importance was to provoke anxiety among the Soviets enemy’s.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The time where the U.S. and Soviet Union came closest to nuclear conflict. It began when the Soviets tried to install nuclear missiles in Cuba and president John F. Kennedy felt even more threat on the U.S.
  • China's Atomic Bomb

    China's Atomic Bomb
    China tested its first Atomic Bomb, a 16 Kiloton bomb. Discovering the China had the capability to build a nuclear weapon, caused the U.S to grow a little more nervous. This test also concerned the some of the Soviet Union.
  • Coup in Chile

    Coup in Chile
    Thousands of Chileans were subsequently tortured, jailed and killed by the military dictatorship. Augusto Pinochet, arm chief, lead the order. The U.S. was eventually able to overthrow them.
  • Soviets Invade Afghanistan

    Soviets Invade Afghanistan
    Soviets sent thousands of troops into Afghanistan, and immediately took complete control of their military and political control of large portions of the country. The U.S. helped the Afghanistan rebels to prevent the spread of communism.
  • Evil Empire Speech

    Evil Empire Speech
    President Reagan gave a speech on the tension of the nuclear arms race, the abortion debate and the previous year’s infanticide rates. Through the whole speech he refers to the USSR as “evil empire.”
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Wall was built to keep Western “fascists” from entering east Germany and changing the socialist state. On November 9th, the head of East Germany announced the citizens could cross whenever they pleased, some crossed, some began to chip away at the wall.
  • The Fall of the USSR

    The Fall of the USSR
    The fall of the USSR was caused by the economic crisis, leading to serious shortages. As well as the competition for business and freedom of speech.