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The Cold War

  • United nations formed

    United nations formed
    states like the United states, France, and Great britain and a total of 12 came together and formed a peace allaince
  • Germany divided

    Germany divided
    after the potsdam conference germany was divided into four sections, one owned by france, the united states, great britain, and the soviet union.
  • Truman doctorine

    Truman doctorine
    the truman doctrine was a deal made by president harry truman to help states threatened by communism
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    the marshall plan was the plan to aid war stricken states
  • Berlin airlift

    Berlin airlift
    the berlin airlift was the coming together of the parts of berlin owned by the U.S, france, and britain and the soviet union put a blockade on them so they flew over the wall and gave supplies to the people
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    12 nations formed together including the united states, france, britain,greece and turkey and etc and swore to protect each other against war
  • Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Execution

    Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Execution
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were American citizens who were convicted of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union and they were executed.
  • Warsaw pact

    Warsaw pact
    when NATO was formed the Soviet union did the same thing with the warsaw pact out of either fear or petty
  • sputnik 1

    sputnik 1
    sputnik was the start of the space race