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The Cold War

  • Nuclear Weapons

    Nuclear Weapons
    FDR appointed the Briggs Committee, in October 1939, investigated nuclear fussion. In June 1942, the war department's army corps of engineers took charge of the effort to develop an atomic bomb. Although research took place across the nation, a lab in Los Alamos, New Mexico became the central site in the effort to produce an atomic weapon.
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  • Developement of the Atomic Bomb

    Developement of the Atomic Bomb
    The government nonetheless gave little priority to the developement of an atomic bomb untill the fall of 1941. Sparked by positive results from british scientists studying the feasibility of atomic weapons as well as intelligence reports the the Nazis had already begun tests of their own, FDR authorized an intensive research effort in the United States.
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  • Cold War Begins

    Cold War Begins
    Representatives from U.S, Britain, and Soviet Union met to discuss Europe's condition after WWll(called the Yalta Conference). They discussed issues, like how to divide up Germany after WWll, and forming the United Nations and who would be apart of it. Also, all 3 countries pledged to maintain peace with Europe during this time. Later, the U.S and Britain accused the Soviet Union of breaking that pledge because of its actions, causing hostility.
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  • The Soviet Union Expands

    The Soviet Union Expands
    In February of 1948, Russia put more pressure on the Cold War as they expanded by taking control over countries like Berlin. Later that year (in June), the U.S, France, Britain, and the Benelux countries formed the London Agreement. Which stated that they would make West Germany a democratic government.
    thought that they were trying to turn countires against them.
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  • The Hydrogen Bomb

    The Hydrogen Bomb
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    On March 10, 1950 President Truman directed the AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) to start the development of the Hydrogen Bomb. The Soviet then decided to start building their own H- Bombs. This increased the tension. The reason this decision was made was because on September 23, 1949 Truman announced that the Soviet Union had successfully created an atomic bomb. America felt threatened and urged the government for better protection.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North Korea invaded South Korea, and was led by the communist dictator of North Korea, Kim ll- Sung. The United Nations aided South Korea by sending troops. The UN pushed the fighting past North Korea to China. China responded by sending troops to aid North Korea. On July 27 in 1953, the North Korean government and the UN signed a agreement that North and South Korea would remain separate.
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  • Cold War Improves

    Cold War Improves
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    Both the United States and the Soviet Union possessed hydrogen bombs. Both sides realized that the use of these destructive weapons in war would destroy each other. Thus they were determined to improve their relations in order to avoid direct military clash. Also, the bonds between the 'super powers' and their 'satellites' began to slacken, making another reason for the U.S and the Soviet Union to improve their relations.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union completed the Warsaw Pact with her satellites. It included all communist states in Europe except Yugoslavia- Soviet Russia, Albania, Balgaria, Hungary, Poland, Roumania, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany. The pact spoke of peaceful intentions and defence.
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  • The Space Race Begins!

    The Space Race Begins!
    For more info The Soviets launched Sputnik (meaning "traveler" in Russian) on October 4, 1957. It was the world's first man-made object put into Earth's orbit. This event led to the U.S launching their own satellite in 1958, "Explorer 1". Because of this, Dwight Eisenhower formed NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). The Soviets launched the first man into space in April of 1961. The U.S. responded by landing the first man on the moon on July 16, 1969. America won the Space Race.
  • End of the Cold War

    End of the Cold War
    The U.S celebrated when the Soviet Union split into 15 countries (the war was over). Mikhail Gorbachev was the last president of the Soviet Union, and was the reason for the downfall because citizens complained of him being a bad leader due to their poor economic status. The Soviet Union went into an uproar when it was announced that he was too ill to lead anymore. This led to protests. The central government fell. The 15 new countries formed.
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