The cold war

The cold war

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    NATO and warsaw Pact 4

    NATO and warsaw PactThe United States, Canada, and ten other states formed a military alliance call the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, which stated that they would help each other if one place was attacked. satellites in order. Soon, both sides began participating in a propaganda war, defending their governments and fighting for world power.
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    NATO and warsaw Pact 1

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    NATO andwarsaw Pact 2

    nato vs. warsawSoon, both sides began participating in a propaganda war, defending their governments and fighting for world power. Communism was growing quickly and unwillingly, so to strengthen the democratic governments the United states came up with an aid called the Marshall Pact, which gave food and money to Europe to help rebuild countries.
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    Nato and warsaw Pact 3

    warsaw pactTruman also helped the Soviet Union and its dependent states with the result of Stalin declining help of America for the European countries, promising his own help instead. Germany is divided up in four by United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. Even after all these things, the fighting and tensions still continued.
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    Nuclear arms race and detente 2

    Nuclear arms race and detente * one of these agreements limited anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs) or missiles that could shoot down other missiles from hostile countries.
    * During the 1980s, U.S. president Ronald Regan launched a program to build a “star wars” missile defense against nuclear attack
    * both of the singed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (start) in 1991
    * Detente mean relaxation of tension
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    Nuclear arms race and detente1

    Nuclear arms race and detente * Start right after war world II
    * United states was the only nuclear power
    * By 1949, The soviet union had also developed nuclear weapons
    * By 1953, Both sides developed hydrogen bombs
    * In 1969, the untied states and the soviet union began strategic arm limitation talks (salt) to limit the number of nuclear weapons held by each side
    * In 1972 and 1979, both sides signed agreements setting these limits
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    Berlin Wall

    Berlin WallThe Berlin wall was built in 1961. * 1950’s, west Berlin became a showcase for west German prosperity.
    * People who were unpaid and unhappy with communism fled into west Berlin.
    * To stop the fight, east Germany built a wall that sealed off west Berlin.
    * When the wall was finished, It was a huge concrete wall topped with barbwire, patrolled by guards.
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    Communist Cuba and Missile Crisis: 1950s-1962 (1)

    In the 1950s, Fidel Castro started an armed rebellion against the dictator of Cuba. In 1959, Castro had led his guerrilla army to victory and had started to reform the country. The transformation of the country is known as the Cuban Revolution. Fidel Castro wanted support from the Soviet Union. political freedom. People who didn’t agree with this
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    Communist Cuba and Missile Crisis: 1950s-1962 (2)

    During the Cuban Revolution, he nationalized businesses, put a lot of land under control of the government,and he severely restricted Cuba’s citizens’ political freedom. People who didn’t agree with this new restriction were either thrown into prison or silenced, causing hundreds of thousands to leave for Florida. As the transformation continued, the United States tried to stop this communist regime.
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    Communist Cuba and Missile Crisis: 1950s-1962 (3)

    in 1961, the former president, John F. Kennedy agreed with an attack attempt by Cuban exiles trained by the United States. The Bay of Pigs invasion, known for the bay that the attackers came to shore on, ended soon when Castro’s forces captured the invaders. Cuba and United States made a trade embargo with is still being used today. Cuba and United States made a trade embargo with is still being used today.
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    Korean Conflict: 1950’s (1)

    Korea was an independent kingdom until Japan conquered them in the 20th Century. In WWII, when Japan defeated, Americans and Soviets agreed to divide Korea temperarily along the 38th parallel of latitude. But in North Korea, ruler dictator Kim Il Sung became a communist ally of Soviets. In South Korea, the United States backed the dictatorial- but noncommunist- leader, Syngman Rhee.
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    Korean Conflict: 1950’s (2)

    Both Kim Il Sung and Syngman Rhee wanted to rule the entire country. In 1950, Kim Sung wanted to reunite Korea. In June, United Nations Security Council condemned when North Korean troops overran most of the south. The United Nations were made up of mostly Americans and South Koreans.
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    Korean Conflict: 1950’s (4)

    This Korean war eventually turned into a stalemate. Now finally in 1953, both side signed an armistice.
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    Eastern European Independence (1)

    The demand for Freedom has increased. Many Eastern Europeans opposed communist rules, and Nationalists resented Russian domination. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, revolts began to erupt in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. In 1980’s, strong demands for change arose once again.
    In 1968, Hungary introduced modest economic reforms. Because Hungary was loyal to the Warsaw Pact, it was allowed to go ahead with the reforms. In the 1970’s,
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    Eastern European Independence

    Hungary expanded its economic economy. In the late 1980’s they began to criticize communist government openly. Lastly, in 1988 and 1989 the communist government allowed greater freedoms under public pressure. This allowed political parties to form and the western border with Austria was now open.
    In 1980, economic hardships ignited strikes by shipyard workers. Led by Lech Walesa and they organized Solidarity.
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    Korean Conflict: 1950’s (3)

    In September of 1950, Untied Nations troops landed on the beaches around the port of Inch’on, behind enemy lines. They quickly cut off North Korean troops from their food and ammunition forcing them to surrender. In November, the United Nations advanced north along the border of China. In late November, Mao Zedong sent thousands of Chinese troops to help fight with the North Koreans. In the winter, they forced United Nations troops back to the south of the 38th parallel.
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    Vietnam Conflict 2

    The national liberation front was being continued to be aided, Or also known as the Viet Cong, the communist rebels trying to overthrow south communists government. The U.S at first only sent supplies and military advisors to south Vietnam. Later on, it sent thousands of troops, turning a local struggle into a major cold war conflict.
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    Vietnam Conflict 1

    After 1954, However the struggle from Vietnam became part of the cold war. At an international conference that year, western and communist powers agreed to a temporary division of Vietnam. The agreement called for elections to reunite the two Vietnams. The war Intensifies, Very determined to unite Vietnam under communist rule, Ho Chi Minh remained determined.
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    Soviet union falls 1956

    Stalin’s soviet union emerged from world war II as a super power with an eastern European sphere of influence. That stretched from the Baltic to the Balkans. Victory brought few rewards to the soviet people. Stalin kept filling forced labor camps with “enemies of the state”. Soviets enjoyed greater freedom of speech. Some of the government cities were freed from prisons and labor camps.The thaw in Moscow inspired some of the east Europeans to move toward greater independence.
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    chinese civil war (1)

    By the end of the war, Chinese communists had gained control of much of the northern china. Mao Zedong fought a civil war against Nationalists headed by Jaing Jieshi (Mao Zedong won the civil war). China was finally under communist control. Mao`s communists triumphed for several reasons. Mao had won support of china`s huge peasant population. While support for the communists grew, the nationalists lost popularity.
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    Chinese Civil War (2)

    Nationalists policies had led to widespread economic hardship. Many Chinese people also resented corruption in Jaing`s government and the Government`s reliance on support from western “imperialist” powers. They hoped that the communists would build a new china and end foreign domination. The country side helped them out by capture rail lines and surround Nationalist-held cities. One after another the cities fell, and Mao`s people`s liberation Army emerged victorious.
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    Chinese civil war (3)

    From 1958 to 1960, Mao led a program know The great leap forward. Between 1959 and 1961, as many as 55 million Chinese are thought to have starved to death. In 1966, Mao launched the great proletarian Cultural Revolution. ( the goal was to purge china of bourgeois tendencies) Mao urged young Chinese to experience revolution firsthand, as his generation had.
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    Soviets In Afghanistan

    In 1979 the soviet union became involved in a long war in Afghanistan. The soviet supported afghan government tried to modernize the nation. Afghan landlords commanded armed men as war lords. Muslim conservatives charged that both policies threatened Islamic traditions. When the war lords took up arms against the government then the soviet troops moved in. The soviets had years of heavy casualties, high cost, and few successes.