The Cold War

  • George Marshall Plan

    George Marshall Plan
    Was to support failing European economies after World War 2. Under this plan the US monetairily supported the European econmic system to prevent the spread of communism.
  • The Creation of NATO

    The Creation of NATO
    Is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was formed to build up a collective defense that all agreed on a mutual defense from attacks from external forces. 22 nations in it for Partners for peace.
  • Soviets Assemble and Test Nuclear Bomb

    Soviets Assemble and Test Nuclear Bomb
    The Soviets developed many versions of nuclear weapons and tested out 9 different bombs. Along with these bombs secret cities were around. Secret cities are cities where nuclear production and development take place. After the collapse the cities changed names but are legaly closed.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This conflict was between the Republic of Korea also known as South Korea, and Democratic People's Republic of Korea also known as North Korea. The 38th paralelle became a political border and tension rose on both sides.
  • Rosenberg Spy Case

    Rosenberg Spy Case
    They were accused of releasing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. They were both charged with espionage during war time. To this day these were the only executions in US hidtory for the crime of espionage.
  • Creation of Warshaw Pact

    Creation of Warshaw Pact
    8 communist states of eastern Europe singned this as a mutual defense treaty. It was to prevent another large scale invasion by the west.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The US supported South Vietnam which, in turn supported North Vietnam. The US saw involment as a way to stop communism and enforce their policy of contaiment.
  • Soviets Launch Sputnik

    Soviets Launch Sputnik
    The Sputnik was a Soviet Satellite that orbited Earth. The Sputnik counterpart was the US Vanguard 1. Before a completed launch the Soviets had some struggles.
  • Castro Takes Power In Cuba

    Castro Takes Power In Cuba
    This day Castro became the 16th prime misister of Cuba. He was also the 15th president of Cuba on December 2, 1976. His government did not intentionally make him a public image but soonhis image was found all over cuba from stores to taxicabs.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs was an unsuccessful attempt by the United States to invade Cuba. The idea to overthrow Cuba's government was developed by the CIA. The CIA also recruited Cuban's that were against Castro to help with the invasion.
  • The Berlin Wall Goes Up

    The Berlin Wall Goes Up
    The Berlin Wall was constructed by the German Democratic Republic to cut off West Germany from East Germany. The reason for dividing the two was to seperate the two conflicting sides. After construction West Berlin became isolated and was economily hurt because supply lines were cut.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban missile crisis waa a 13 day period that resulted in a threat of a nuclear conflict. It occured between Cuba and the Soviet Union. The US considered using sea and air attacks on Cuba but decided to use a blockade instead.
  • Nixon Visits China

    Nixon Visits China
    Huge step in making normal relations between the US and China. It was the first time the US visited China because China declared that the US was a foe.
  • Fall of The Berlin Wall

    Fall of The Berlin Wall
    Began with civil unrest and a radical political swing, offiials decided to remove the barrier. Public helped tear it down by knocking or chipping pieces off. Eventually the governments came in with bigger tools to finish the job.
  • The Collapse of the Soviet Union

    The Collapse of the Soviet Union
    The collapse of the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War. This gave 15 republics of the Soviet Union independence. Also, the Soviet Union handed the missile launch codes to Russian president.