Cold war

The Cold War

  • House Un-American Activities Committee formed

    House Un-American Activities Committee formed
    HUAC was an investigative committee of Representitives
  • Yalta Conference held

    Yalta Conference held
    Where heads of government get together and discuss the war
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The goals of the conference also included the establishment of post-war order, peace treaties issues, and countering the effects of war.
  • United Nation's Formed!!

    United Nation's Formed!!
    stopped wars between countries
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Strategy for containment
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    created stronger economic foundation
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    carried supplies to people in the war
  • Era of McCarthyism begins

    Era of McCarthyism begins
    members of the communist party followed their leader, Joseph McCarthy
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
    North Korea was mad because South Korea didn't have free elections
  • Rosenberg Execution

    Rosenberg Execution
    The Rosenberg's were caught relaying messeges to the Soviet's and were executed.
  • Armistice signed ending the Korean War

    Armistice signed ending the Korean War
    Armistice sent the messege to cease fire.
  • Sputnik 1 was launched

    Sputnik 1 was launched
    Trying to get a better view on Space
  • First Man in Space

    First Man in Space
    soviet's beat US into space
  • First American in Space

    First American in Space
    US finally got into space
  • First man on the moon

    First man on the moon
    US finially beat the Soviet's at somethine
  • Warsaw Pact Formation

    Warsaw Pact Formation
    made to counteract NATO
  • Berlin Wall made

    Berlin Wall made
    made to keep enemys out
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    allies with France