The Civil War

  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The Election of 1860
    On November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln won the Election of 1860. The south said that if a Republican was elected they would secede from the union.
  • South Secedes from the Union

    South Secedes from the Union
    Southern States Secede and the War Begins On December 20, South Carolina seceded from the Union. Following South Carolina Alabama, Flordia, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississipi, and Texas all seceded from the Union
  • Election of Jefferson Davis

    Election of Jefferson Davis After the South seceded from the Union they elected Jefferson Davis as their new president. The South named their new country the Confederate states of America, or the Confederacy.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Civil War Trust Confederates began attacking Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861. When the fort surrendered Lincoln stated that the south was in rebellion thus starting the Civil War
  • The Battle of Bull Run

    The Battle of Bull Run
    Civil War Trust The Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle between the North and the South. At first the Union troops pushed the Confederates back but in the end the Confederates won the Battle of Bull Run
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh General Ulysses S. Grant led his troops into Tennessee. On April 6 Confederate soldiers caught Grant by supprise and pushed the Union army back.
  • Seven Days Battle

    Seven Days Battle
    Civil War Trust Was fought between Confederate general Robert E. Lee and Union general George B. McClellan. The Confederates lost many soldiers but eventually won the Seven Days Battle.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Was fought by Confederate general Robert E. Lee and Union general John Pope. Lincoln ordered Pope to advance on Richmond from Washington. Lee caught Pope off guard and the Confederates pushed Popes army back.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam The Battle of Antetam was the bloodiest single-day battle in the Civil War. The Union army took out about a third of Robert E. Lees troops until the Confederates couldn't advance any further.
  • Emancipation Proclimation

    Emancipation Proclimation Abraham Licoln issued the Emacipation Proclimation after the Battle of Antietam. The Emancipation Proclimation called for all slaves in nonoccupied areas in rebellion agianst the Union to be freed on January 1, 1863
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Civil War Trust General Robert E. Lee advanced into the town of Getysburg in southern Peensylvannia. On July 1, 1863 Confederate soldiers pushed the Union line back.
  • Guettysburg Address

    Guettysburg Address
    Abraham Licoln Online Lincoln dedicated the Union to winning the war with the Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address was sighned after the Battle of Gettysburg.
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse Ulysses S. Grant broke through Robert E. Lee's defenses in Petersburg. Lee surrendered after realizing the the situation was hopeless.