
The Center of David's Heart-Shaped Box- Beautiful Boy

By vrinda1
  • Nic is Born

    Nic is Born
    David and Vicki are blessed with a newborn son. He is born at dawn.
  • Nic's Parents Get Divorced

    Nic's Parents Get Divorced
    David falls in love with a family friend, him and Vicki get divorced. Vicki remarries and moves to San Francisco
  • Nic's Father Meets Karen

    Nic's Father Meets Karen
    Nic's father, after deciding he's going to stop dating, meets Karen and falls in love and they get married.
  • Jasper is Born

    Jasper is Born
    Nic's step-brother is born.
  • David Discovers Marijuana in Nic's Possesion

    David Discovers Marijuana in Nic's Possesion
    Unpacking Nic's sleepingbag, David finds a bag of marijuana. He confronts Nic about it and he says "hes tried it one other time"(Sheff 53)
  • Daisy is Born

    Daisy is Born
    Nic's stepsister is born.
  • Nic Gets Suspended for Purchasing Marijuana

    Nic Gets Suspended for Purchasing Marijuana
    David gets a phone call home, and the news is given to him. Nic is suspened for buying marijuana on campus.
  • Paris

    Nic goes to Paris to study language in a 3 week session. Becomes addicted to alcohol. He got drunk, "crawled into a boat tied to the shore of the Seine and Passed out"(Sheff 156)
  • Admits He's Using Some Pot

    Admits He's Using Some Pot
    Nic admits hes using pot. A little while later, David and Nic go to the Beach. Nic offers to smoke with David and David accepts.
  • Nic Misses His Curfew

    Nic Misses His Curfew
    Nic calls from behind a dumpster saying that he's in trouble. David finds him and Nic reveals that he's tried crystal meth. HE dissapears days after. Returns 13 days later.
  • Nic's 18th Birthday

    Nic's 18th Birthday
    Nic dissapears right before his 18th birthday. A week later, as the family is preparing to go to the beach the police show up and arrest him for his failure to attend court after hes caught buying drugs.
  • Rejected at Oakland

    Rejected at Oakland
    Nic agrees to go to therapy. They try to get book him at Oakland, the theraputic hospital, but he is rejected because his case is too serious.
  • "Welcome to the nut house."

    "Welcome to the nut house."
    (Sheff 129)
    Nic is accepted at Ohloff. He endures 4 weeks here.
  • Moves Into Ohloff's Halfway House

    Moves Into Ohloff's Halfway House
    After 4 weeks at Ohloff, David and Karen agree to let Nic move into Ohloffs's halfway house. After 3 days when David calls to check on him, he learns that Nic has run away. He returns shortly after.
  • St. Helens

    St. Helens
    Nic agrees to attend another rehab facility. "Above the Napa Valley, off the Silverado Trail, I turn the car onto Sanatorium Road, which leads to the hospital. Nic looks at the sign, shakes his head, and wryly remarks, "Great. Therapy camp. Here we go again."(Sheff 148)
  • College (Take Two)

    College (Take Two)
    Nic decides he wants to go to back to college. College of choice: Hamphire College.He's put in a sober dorm, but they are reminded that theres still a possibility that he'll be exposed to drugs. Sure enough, Nic relapses.
  • "All in All is All We Are"

    (All Apologies-Nirvana) David is suprised when, early in the morning, his phone rings and find out that Nic is on life support. He's overdosed on drugs and is in critical condition. Nic runs away not too long after.
  • Herbert House

    Herbert House
    Nic, who agrees to go into therapy again, settles at the community of Herbert House where he meets his sponsor, Randy. randy helps Nic greatly and supports him. He takes Nic on bike rides everyday and makes him feel better,
  • 1 Year of Sobriety

    1 Year of Sobriety
    Nic, who was recently in a relationship, is now single. He stops returnings David's calls. He has relapsed after a year of sobriety.