The Cell Theory

  • Period: 1500 to


    Spontaneous Generation: life arose abruptly from inanimate matter.
  • Microscope

    Zacharias Jenssen invented the microscope
  • Discovery of the Cell

    Discovery of the Cell
    Robert Hooke discovers the cell by observing them in a microscope. coming from a cork tree.
  • Sighting of the first living cell

    Antoin Von Leewenhock looks at pond water and sights the first living cell
  • Antoin Van Lockwenhock made more discoveries,

    (including the first protozoa and bacteria ever seen.)
  • Discovery of the nucleus in plant cells

    made by Robert Brown
  • Realization

    pMattrus Shleiden realizes plants are made up of cells
  • Second Realization

    Theodore Shwann realizes animals are also made up of cells
  • Discovery Sperm and eggs are also cells

    (made by Albercht Von Roelliker)
  • Rework of the cell theory

    Carl Heinrich Brown reworks the cell theory, calling them the basic unit of life.
  • Important proposition

    Rudolf Virchow proposes that all cells come from other cells
  • Evolution Point of VIew

    August Wersmann amplifies the information by Virchow, from a perspective point of evolution, highlighting that there is an interrupted constant between modern and primitive cells.