The Breakdown of American Neutrality

  • Kellog-Briand Pact-1928

    Kellog-Briand Pact-1928
    International treaty which made states promise not to use war.
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    Kellog-Briand Pact-1928

    International treaty which made states promise not to use war.
  • Japaneses Invasion of Manchuria

    Japaneses Invasion of Manchuria
    Manhuria was invaded by Japan. This happened because American were not neutral
  • Neutrality Acts-1935-1937

    Neutrality Acts-1935-1937
    Passed by Congress which made Isolationism grow in the US
  • Japanese Invasion of Mainland China-1937

    Japanese Invasion of Mainland China-1937
    Manchuria was invaded by Japan. This happened because American were not neutral
  • Panay Incident-1937

    Panay Incident-1937
    Japanese attacked American gunboats to see what America would do. America did nothing to remain neutral
  • Neutrality Act of 1939 (Cash and Carry)

    Neutrality Act of 1939 (Cash and Carry)
    replaced neutrality acts allowed the sale of materials but only if they used their own ships and it wasn’t for any dictators. America was “neutral”
  • Fall of France-1940

    Fall of France-1940
    German invades France and wins. America stayed out of the invasion
  • Battle of Britain-Summer 1940

    Battle of Britain-Summer 1940
    Germany’s air force went against the United Kingdom. Germany lost because England had radars. America stayed neutral
  • Destroyer Deal-July 1940

    Destroyer Deal-July 1940
    Let the Americans aid the British with materials and weapons against Germany without violating the neutrality act. America was said to be neutral but was really on the side of Britain
  • Selective Service Act-Sept.1940

    Selective Service Act-Sept.1940
    America starts the draft by requiring men between the ages of 21-35 to register for the war
  • Arsenal of Democracy Speech-Nov.1940-

    Arsenal of Democracy Speech-Nov.1940-
    FDR wants America to act by defending democracy from dictators
  • Lend-Lease Act-March 1941

    Lend-Lease Act-March 1941
    US supplied and Allied nations with materials to fight the war America is shown as being not neutral anymore
  • U-Boat Wolf Packs-Spring 1941

    U-Boat Wolf Packs-Spring 1941
    Germany was commanded to shoot down supply ships going to Britain including American ships
  • Supporting Stalin-June 1941

    Supporting Stalin-June 1941
    Germany got rid of agreement with Soviet Union and attacked Russia.
  • US Embargo-July 1941

    US Embargo-July 1941
    US cuts Japan off of all its Oil resources and scrap metal resources
  • Inv. Fr. Indochina-July 1941

    Inv. Fr. Indochina-July 1941
    Japan invades Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos to get resources and oil
  • Atlantic Charter-August 1941

    Atlantic Charter-August 1941
    The Allies would not have any territory changes after the war.
  • Shoot on Sight-Sept.1941

     Shoot on Sight-Sept.1941
    US orders Navy to shoot any German ships on sight making US technically part of WW2 through a navy battle
  • Tripartite Pact-Sept.1941

    Tripartite Pact-Sept.1941
    The Allies would assist and cooperate with one another not including the dictators
  • Pearl Harbor Attack-Dec.7, 1941

    Pearl Harbor Attack-Dec.7, 1941
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor creating a war with Japan between the US and gets US fully involved with WW2