The Blind Side by: Michael Lewis-Non Fiction-339

  • Pages read: 1-45

    The Blind Side first starts off explaining a little history about football. Then it starts to get into the history of the famous football player named Michael Oher. He is a giant person and great football player. He started out playing football young but he also went through tough times when he was younger and still is going through tough times with his father dead and his mother doing drugs. He also doesn't really like paying attention to his school work and he could possibly drop out.
  • Pages read: 46-103

    Big Tony is man who knows "Big Mike" and helps to get into a Christian school. When Mike was in school, he didn't know very much and was getting very bad grades. None of the teachers didn't really what to do about Mike but give him a chance. The coach of their school did notice Big Mike's size and weight and thought that he could let him play football for right tackle in taking someone else's place. He was doing excellent in football. Mike also did get kicked out of Big Tony's house.
  • Pages read: 104-180

    Leigh Ann Tuohy invited him into their home since he had no where to go and she even baught him clothes and needs. He experienced things he'd never had before such as a bed. After a little bit, Michael was doing a lot better in school and he even became a member of the Tuohy family. He was definitely a good kid and coaches wanted to sign him for football. Sean Jr. even helps him to train for football. They both got into car crash as well but Michael stopped the air bag from harming Sean Jr.
  • Pages read: 181-230

    More and more coaches have been wanting to sign Michael for their football teams. Coaches have come from Ole Miss, Georgia, Tenessee, and more. Michael's football coach for his high school team has even said that Michael has a gift for football. He is also really known on his protective instincts which is how he covers the player's blind side. Leigh Ann realizes that Michael is changing her life and she cares about him like no other person.
  • Pages read: 231-292

    Pretty soon, Leigh Ann and Michael try to figure out more of who he is and where he came from. Michael even had a different last name. Leigh Ann goes to visit Michael's birth mother and notices that she is still out of place. Michael soon is interviewed by a lady and she makes him realize that the Tuohy's aren't really letting Michael decide what he wants to do for himself so he gets mad at them and goes to a party in his old neighborhood...
  • Pages read: 293-339

    When Michael is at the party, trouble happens and he ends up attacking his old friend because of the way he was talking. He soon sees Leigh Ann again and they talk more about Michael's plans and if he even likes football. Michael is interviewed he explains what he wants to do in life. He chooses to play for Ole Miss football since thats where his family (the Tuohy's) went. He goes to college and is very thankful for all that happened to him with his family. He is now a famous football player.