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The Timeline of Niels Bohr.

  • Niels Bohr is born.

    Niels Bohr is born.
    On this day, Niels Bhor is born into the world in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is the son of Christan Bhor and Ellen nee Adler, who had now established a family of three children.
  • Bohr enrolls into Copenhagen University

    Bohr enrolls into Copenhagen University
    In this year, Bohr would enroll into Copenhagen University to begin his study in physics. Reasearch and teaching in that field took place in cramped quaters at the Polytechnic Institute, leased to the University on purpose, (Finn Aaserud.)
  • Bohr obtains his doctorate.

    Bohr obtains his doctorate.
    In this year, Bhor obtains his doctorate at Copenhagen university after proposing an essay on the electron theory of metals. This theory was introduced and developed in the early 1900s, explaining how electrons move freely in metals. This concept is also known as 'the drude model."
  • Bohr publishes his paper on the atomic structure

    Bohr publishes his paper on the atomic structure
    In this year, Bohr published his work on the atomic structure which paved the way for the scientists after him to develop a more accurate atomic model that we learn and study today. Borh's model explains that electrons move in an orbital path around the nucleus, just like planets orbiting around a star. Bohr's theory also shows that these electrons have zero energy when orbiting the nucleus.This would explain why atoms are so stable.
  • Bohr becomes the founder of university’s Institute of Theoretical Physics.

    Bohr becomes the founder of university’s Institute of Theoretical Physics.
    In this year, Bohr would go on to become the founder of university's Institute of Theoretical Physics, where In the spring of 1916, Bohr was offered a new professorship at the University of Copenhagen. dedicated to theoretical physics, it was the second professorship in physics there. As physics was still pursued, he stressed, first, that experiments and experimenters were indispensable at an institute for theoretical physics.(Finn Aesured)
  • Niels Bohr wins the nobel prize.

    Niels Bohr wins the nobel prize.
    In this year, Niels accomplishments revolving around the structure of the atom awarded him the nobel prize.
  • The death of neils Bohr.

    The death of neils Bohr.
    In this year, Bohr would unfortunately pass away due to a heart attack. His contributions to science to this day exposes his legacy, and he will forever be rememembered as one of the most accomplished scientists who has contributed to society.