the american revolution ( the story)

  • Year 1619

    The American Revolution begins
  • year 1624

    The French and Indian War
  • Year 1754

    Virgina becomes a royal Colony
  • 1763

    The Treaty of Paris ended the seven years war
  • 1764-70

    Britain imposed a serie of taxes on the American Colonies
  • 1773

    First The tea act
  • 1773

    The first continental congress mets and formed the continental association
  • 1775

    british troops attempting to capture colonial military suplies
  • 1776

    (Thomas Paine`s common sense )Declaration of the Independence of the 4 of july
  • 1778

    France and the United states signed treaties of Alliance and commerce.
  • 1781

    American and French forces laid siege to the british army trapped at Yorktown, Virginia
  • 1783

    The final treaties endings hostilities were signed in Paris.
  • 1787

    The federal constitution convened in may in Philadelphia and approved the new federal constitution in september and then it went into efect in june 1788
  • 1789

    George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States in April.