The American Revolution

  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The sugar act cut the duty on foreign molasses, retained a high duty on foreign refined sugar, and prohibited the importion of all foreign rum.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was ratified by the British parliament under King George III. It imposed taxe on all papers and documents in the American colonies, Not England.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    Provided that the British Troops could be housed in any town in Massachusetts, even in the homes of private citizens if needed.
  • The Boston Port Act

    The Boston Port Act
    The Boston Port Act closed the Port from all commerce and ordered the citizens of Boston to pay a large fine to compensate for the tea thrown into the river during the Boston Tea Party
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was made by Thomas Jefferson, it announced the United States independence from Britain.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was a France-American land and sea campaign that entrapped a major British army on a peninsula at Yorktown, The British troops surrendered.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris Ended the American Revolution. Benjamin Franklin was The chief negotiator, territory much larger than thirteen colonies was acquired on the process.
  • The Adricles of Confederation

    The Adricles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation were the written document that established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain.