The 3 Musketeers ! ! !

  • Jul 1, 1532

    Niccolo Machiavellie

    Niccolo Machiavellie
    Machiavelle wrote The Prince, a book about rulers. The Prince was an objective desricption of political reality.
  • English Renaissance

    English Renaissance
    More info on The period as a transitional one that led to the modern world. But attempts to avoid positive or negative connotations.
  • William Shakespeare Era

    William Shakespeare Era
    Was the golden age of the English culture. Most Stories Now A Days Are Brought Back To His.
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    Descartes published a book containiong 3 essasys on mathematical and scientific subjects and the Discourse on Method.These works were written in French and were aimed at the educated world rather than simply academics.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    The developement of Locke's ineterest and thinkings can be more acuurately traced than before.He was senior student and taught moral Philosophy
  • James Gregory

    James Gregory
    He includes a geometrical version of the fundamental thereom of calculus in Geometrical Excersises and the Universal Part of Geometry. He also made advances in triganometry.
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
    Leibniz publishes a remarkable type of calculus for this, although only six pages long, few can understand it. He publishes his method of integral calculus in an issue of Acta Eruditorum.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Developed the use of Caculus and his laws of motion and gravitation.Newtons work has been said to distinctly advance every branch of mathematics.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    More info on Conducted an experiment to prove the Lightining and electricity were the same thing.He also came up with important concepts of meterorology and refrigeration. g
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Published his theory of Moral Sentiments , emboyding some of his Glasgow lectures.This work, which established Smith's reputation in his own day ,is concerened with the explanation of moral approval and disapproval.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    More INFOBritish Troops Fire Into A Mob. Which Leads To Intense Public Protest.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    More INFOColonial atriots Disguise Themselves As Mohawk Indians, And Dump More Than 300 Crates Over The Ship. Which Leads To A Protest Against Th British Tea Tax.
  • Romantic Period

    Romantic Period
    An international artistic and philosophical movement. That redefined the fundamental ways in which people in Western cultures lived/thought.
  • Constitution

    The Constitution of the United States is drafted and signed. Also, Federalist Papers are published.
  • Joseph-Louis Lagrange

    Joseph-Louis Lagrange
    He introduced the notations f'x and y' for the derivatives of f(x) and y, respectively. Lagrange was one of the creators of the calculus of variations.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson approves Louisiana Purchase. Which doubled the size of the United States.
  • George Simon Ohm

    George Simon Ohm
    Simon stated law of electrical resistance. He began his research with the recently invented electrochemical cell,
  • Early Victorian Age

    Early Victorian Age
    It was a time of change. And a time of great literature!
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    It Was Created In The Late 1940s. The Purpose Was To Help Slaves Find Their Way To Freedom.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    The first person to recognize bacteria and disease causing agents. He introduced pasteurization.
  • Assassination

    Civil War ends. President Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
  • No Guns

    No Guns
    Several States Adopt "Black Code". Which Forbid Black Persons To Carry A Firearm.
  • George Cantor

    George Cantor
    Proved that the number of points on a line segment is the same as the number of points in the interior of a square. Publication of the result is delayed for a year because mathematicians refuse to believe it.
  • George B. Kistiakowsky,

    George B. Kistiakowsky,
    He was a chemistry professor at Harvard who participated in the Manhattan Project. He developed the detonating device used in first atomic bomb.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    More information on The deepest depression of the 20th century. the Great Depression started when the stock prices started to fall.
  • Realistic Period

    Realistic Period
    It was a time of great turmoil in American history. Industrialization and technological advances were also making their marks.
  • Jean-Paul Startre

    Jean-Paul Startre
    Determined phylosophical position is the centre of their artistic being.One of his early publications of psychological studies was the " Outline of Theory and Emotion"
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan Surprised Us With An Attack On Pearl Harbor. This Was Very Unexpected.
  • Harold C. Urey,

    Harold C. Urey,
    Nobel Prize 1934 and a leader of he Manhattan Project. He made original contributions to theories of he origin of the universe and of life processes.
  • Robert W. Woodward,

    Robert W. Woodward,
    He won Nobel Prize 1965 for his brilliant syntheses of such compounds as cholesterol, quinine, chlorophyll and cobalamin. Robert was an American organic chemist.
  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump
    Graduated In 1968 With A Degree In Economics. He Is One Of The Wealthiest Men, In The U.S.
  • Peter Singer

    Peter Singer
    Australian ethical and political philosopher ,best known for his work in bioethics and his role as one of the intellectual founders of modern animal rights movement.The publication of " Animal Liberation" greatly contributed to the animal rights movements .
  • Cholera Deaths

    Cholera Deaths
    Over 4,000 people die from cholera in Latin American epidemic. 80 percent of the infected were treated.
  • World Population

    World Population
    The worlds population increased in 1999, making it hard on the environment. Population reached 6 billion.
  • 9/11

    The Falling Of The Twin Towers. This Terrorist Attack Alerts America.
  • Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Site

    Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Site
    President George W. Bush signed Bill of Rights. This approved that the Yucca Mountain would be a nuclear waste storage site.
  • Three Georges Dam

    Three Georges Dam
    Filling of the reservoir began in 2003 and demanded the relocation of 1.13 million people. Critics worried about the ecological effects of of the dam.
  • Martha Stewert

    Martha Stewert
    She was a very wealthy woman. She was convicted of lying to investigators about a stock market.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    The wealthiest man alive since 1995. His network is worth 56 billion dollars.
  • Obama

    More INFOUnited States First Black President. He Was A Major Change In Society.
  • Oil Spill

    Oil Spill
    The oil spill of 2010 hurts gulf coast. Made a big impact on the environment.
  • Japans Recession

    Japans Recession
    Japan is the third largest economy. As of May, they are back in a recession.