
Elijah of Buxton Timeline

  • First Electronic Telegram

    First Electronic Telegram
    First electronic telegram was sent.
  • U.S.-Mexican war

    U.S.-Mexican war
    This was a fight over who owns newly the added U.S state Texas
  • Antiseptic Used in Hospital

    Antiseptic Used in Hospital
  • Elijah Is Born

    Elijah Is Born
    Elijah is born as the first freeborn African-American child in Buxton
  • First School in Buxton

    First School in Buxton
    First school in buxton is started, with 12 children right away.
  • Cooters "mystery"

    Cooter finds an unusual animal track, and Elijah and the preacher help him find out what it is (the preacher makes up a story about a "hoop snake" but it was most likely a smaller garden snake, or something like it.
  • Elijah shows his rock throwing skill to the preacher

    The preacher then cheats him out of his fish, and later tries to uses it for money at the carnival
  • Elijah goes to the carnival

    A man wants to buy Elijah, the preacher risks Elijahs life by doing this
  • Abraham Lincoln is nominated president

    Abraham Lincoln is nominated president
    He was one of the most influential presidents in history, mostly known for ending slavery, he did not end racism, however.
  • The Civil war begins

    The Civil war begins
    The civil war did massive damage to America, but, the outcome of it was worth it. It was a very bad time for the US, because two sides of America were brutally fighting against each other.