Gilded Age, Progressive Era, Imperialism, the Color Line, and WWI

  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Letter to people warning to avoid becoming involved in foreign conflict; principle of isolationism.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    President James Monroe created doctrine saying non-interference/non-intervention in European affairs unless Europe goes cray cray then Americans see them as hostile and do something. Agrees with Washington's Farewell Address (797)
  • Victorian Age Culture

    1837-1901; walks in Central Park. Public sphere (men, working sphere) and private sphere (women, domestic). Imitating Europe.
  • 3rd Wave of Immigration to States

    irish, catholic, potato farmers (following potatoes cause famine) 1840s/1850s
  • Republicans Dominant

    Only two democratic presidents during this time period (1860-1932); they were: Grover Cleveland, "Grover the Good" (campaign said he would not play with the corrupt and clean up government, but ha he was a joke like most politicians), and Woodrow Wilson. Republicans dominated executive branch otherwise. Blacks voted republican because Lincoln, and immigrants voted democratic (WASPS were Republican; thus other immigrants democratic). People usually voted with family.
  • Reconstruction

    13th Amendment: abolish slavery
    14th Amendment: guaranteed equality before law
    15th Amendment: all men can vote (rip women) Black Codes: maintain system of labor by putting blacks into labor camps for control over them using bs excuses ("disorderly conduct") Freedman's Bureau: provide aid to freedmen (legal assistance, education, and land). Many agents would take land meant for freedmen and sell it; was corrupt. Defunded in 1870, state gained power over blacks.
  • The Ku Klux Klan

    Formed in Pulaski, TN. Attracted former confederate soldiers to terrify the African Americans because two years after the civil war 90% of eligible black men voted and 7 black congressmen then served in 1873's congress. White felt undermined, thus formation of group to suppress blacks. Used terror to stop them from voting (lynching).
  • Roots of American Imperialism

    (1867-1899) need more territory to compete with Europe and to show that America is a world power (my package is bigger than yours) Foreign Policy Elites: Europe; control China with agreements European Empires
    -America wants to compete with them because Europe is dominating the globe Imperialists vs. isolationists (throw back to Monroe Doctrine); nation split up on goals
  • Neurasthonia

    Workers over-worked; high blood pressure, much stress, all the illness; one size fits all term fixed by a pill, electric belt, or horse tranquilizer.
  • The Gilded Age

  • The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today

    Mark Twain's book; named the time period. Depicted a society full of promise, but that was really corrupt.
  • Gold Standard

    US switches from bi-metallic standard to gold standard. Silver dollar is removed from currency. Farmers wanted bi-metallic standard back (16:1) so they could pay of debts by inflation.
  • Women's Christian Temperance Union and Carrie Nation

    WCTU formed in 1873. Carry Nation was active member in this; she wanted to regulate men's behavior and thought that could be accomplished through temperance. She smashes saloon for God. During this period more girls went to college, thus more educated. This union was an extension of the domestic role not a rejection because they were concerned with issues affecting the home (ex. child labor, prostitution, and unsafe work standards).
  • Election of 1876

    Rutherford B. Hayes (R)
    Samuel J. Tilden (D) This elections leads to the end of reconstruction (which leads to the Jim Crow laws). There was a problem with the vote counts; had appeared Tilden won (D). Republicans claimed the democrats scared blacks to vote their way. Special collection commission was formed: 7 demos and 8 REPUBS decided that Hayes (R) won.
  • The New South

    The South is also industrializing (not to same extent as the north), attracts people with jobs. Blacks go to city for work, whites do not like them competing with them for jobs. Sharecroppers formed because blacks were not given jobs over white folk. This is a formal contract to rent land and buy tools from the landowner; however the landowner kept the blacks in debt making them a new form of slave.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Segregation; remind blacks they are inferior in social and political power. Literacy test was created to not allow them to vote; illiterate whites got to vote due to grandfather clause. Property ownership preventing blacks from voting.
  • The Compromise of 1877

    In result of election of 1876, Republicans got office while the democrats got really what they wanted: troops removed from south giving the blacks no protection and allowing the KKK to rise. White supremacy takes control in south and Repubs don't help blacks for decades to come.
  • Dillingham Commission

    41 volumes published before, during, and after Gilded Age. Restrictions on immigration; against "New Immigrants" (fourth wave)
  • Industrialization

    1. Population Boom (people coming to America for the dream/to escape country/famines/etc.)
    2. Abundance of Natural Resources (more export than import yay)
    3. Steel; encourages production of tracks/trains
    4. Transportation; trains/tracks allow resources and goods to be transported faster leading to more trade
  • Robber Barons

    People like J. D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil) and Andrew Carnegie (Carnegie Steel) were the 1% of the US population (upper ten). Since government was laissez-faire, there was no regulation and they could suppress workers by poor conditions, long hours, and poor wage making them even richer!!! Hahaha. Vertical Integration: one firm controls all aspects of industry (ex. meat company slaughters pig, packages meat, ships meat)
    Horizontal: eliminating competition (monopolies; Standard Oil)
  • Garfield Elected (Republican)

    Republican domination ohhhhh got'em
  • Booker T. Washington

    From south Accommodationist: self-help, make yourself a necessity to whites Tried to advance black people's skills. White cannot keep economy up without them. Whites like their labor because they won't form labor unions. Gradualism: establish economic value through labor DuBois criticized accommodationists for telling black people to accept their situation. The Atlanta Compromise Speech
    Audience: white and black; says employ blacks (not strike); submitted to white political rule
  • Garfield Killed

    Charles Gutieua advertised for president, wanted ambassador position to Great Britain, didn't get it, views Garfield as corrupt, shoots Garfield, psycho-path, not terrorist as Americans feared, causes Pendleton Act. Pendleton Act: curved corruption; no jobs given for favors in politics; Chester A. Author (new president) endorsed.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Americans said we don't want you Chinese because you take our jobs and we scared.
  • Ida Wells

    Teacher and journalist; writes that lynching should be illegal. 1884 she refuses to give up seat to whiteman (aka original Rosa Parks); gets tossed off train. Sued railroad company, at first wins, then doesn't cause big business. Confrontationist: resists/fights Founding member of NAACP 1892- black men killed for having successful business; she goes on tour that black people cannot exist without the fear of violence.
  • Noble Sense of Mission

    Josiah Strong: congressional minister; fervent expansionist; wrote "Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis" (1885). Spreading "Civilization"
    -created need to foreigners to create a market for American goods
    -spreading civilization, christianity (missionaries), democracy, and materialism
  • Dawes Severalty Act

    Previous Indian reservations were broken up and land was divided amongst indians to "culture" them (Americanize them because obviously they were savages). Indians could not afford taxes, banks took land, land sold to WASPS, and Indians thus have no land or home. Fuck you Cleveland. Native American children were also forced into schooling to again "civilize" these savages.
  • Jane Adams & Settlement House

    Three important aspects: residence, research, and reform. Jane Adams was important figure in Chicago; had no desire to play domestic role and believes her role is to serve people; she went to college. She created Hull House near immigrant neighborhoods; offered education (had American culture classes to help assimilate) and employment; she lived in the house.
  • McKinley Tariff

    Highest tariff ever passed; 45% on imports. Reason is so American consumers buy from American businesses. No competition with foreigners; overall bad for economy and puts a hole in consumer's pockets.
  • Sherman Silver Purchasing Act

    Congress passed this to appease farmers. Government can buy back silver to increase nation's money supply. More money in circulation.
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Wrote "The influence of Sea Power upon History" (1890). He believes wealth through foreign trade and protection of distant ports with a powerful navy. Need canal and stepping stones (Hawaii and Philippines) to China.
  • Roots of Progressive Era

    People wanted more active government; disagreed on how to go about this. College educated and middle class. Progressive era was a collection of reforms that often had contradictory aims. Meant to regulate wealthy and poor.
  • NAWSA Created

    National American Women's Suffrage Association want women to be able to vote. Harsh gender roles (again two spheres: public vs private).
  • "People's Party" or "Populist Party"

    Formed in 1892; party for the commoners of the midwest, aka farmers. Want more democratic governments; they believe republicans and democrats are unresponsive to their needs. Platform:
    -direct election of senators
    -abolition of national banks
    -regulation of railroads/utilities
    -bi-metallic standard
  • Panic of 1893 (cause)

    Sherman's Silver Purchasing Act and McKinley tariff is repealed by Cleveland. 20% of Americans lose jobs and banks collapse. This leads to Coxey's Army. Jacob Coxey was businessman; upset about laying off employees. March to Washington met by real army (shows government sided with big business)
  • Panic of 1893 (effect)

    Look at own economic landscape, producing more than Americans can consume, we can solve problem by imperialism. Search for markets: China/Latin America
    -wanted foothold in China due to large population
    -Latin America connected to us; wanted canal James G. Blaine "Slippery Jim"; says foreign markets are key to solving economic ills (secretary of state)
  • The "Closing of the Frontier"

    Frederick Jackson Turner wrote "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" (1893). Manifest destiny: American's destiny to expand westward. Commented that since we expanded as far as we can westward now it is time for imperialism because expanding makes America America. New chance for white men to conquer savages like they did the Native Americans. Finding new frontier to conquer; look abroad.
  • Pullman Strike

    Debs leads Railroad Union supporters because all employee's wages were cut by 33% due to crashing economy. Over 150,000 people go on strike; railroads close meaning goods/food aren't getting shipped. Cleveland sends army, 26 people died; Debs jailed. Again, Government supports corporations.
  • The Cuban Revolution

    Spain has control over Philippines and Cuba; however, it is declining as a superpower. Rudyard Kipling is an English writer who wrote: "The White Man's Burden" (1899); expression of imperialism and white supremacy. General Valeriano Weyler "The Butcher"
    Gorilla Warfare tactics to wear down Cubans; brutal general: killed cubans, made submit, and concentration camps. American interest in Cuba: land, sugar, economic/investors, and manhood. Yellow journalism: not reliable; invoke feeling
  • Muckraking

    Investigative journals that rake up mud; expose the truth. Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives (terrible conditions for poor class) made Teddy Roosevelt a progressive 1895 by exposing him to conditions. Inspired young reformers. Lincoln Steffen: Shame of the Cities; corruption in politics; attacked the idea that businessmen were ideal politicians David Phillips: "Treason of the State" showed that senators represented interest groups; 17th amendment formed: direct vote of senators.
  • Election of 1896

    "Battle of the Standards"
    William McKinley (R, for gold standard, campaigns from porch) vs. William Jennings Bryan (D, for bi-metallic actually a populist and wants Jefferson version of America, grassroots campaigning). Burbon democrats vs. silver democrats
    -wealthy (gold standard) vs. farmers (populist platform)
    -democrats split; allows McKinley to win because Bryan didn't unify democrats.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Outcome: legalizes segregation for the entire country Plessy was 1/8 black and sat in white car on train. All cars were separate to avoid friction of the races. Plessy was arrested. In court they debated state's right to label citizens race. State of Louisiana followed the one drop rule, Plessy appeals, until he arrives to the supreme court. John Marshall Harlan dissenting opinion saying constitution is colorblind; Supreme court rules separate but equal. What is equal?
  • Hawaii

    Queen loses power 1887; New Constitution: America gained right to make naval base at Pearl Harbor. Owning land/literacy test only way people could vote, wealthy (Americans) only vote. 1890 McKinley Tariff raise tax on Hawaii's sugar; 75% of Hawaii's wealth came from sugar plantations owned by Americans. Motivation to annex Hawaii. 1891 Queen Liluokalan wanted full control back, American's (wealthy voters) wanted republic. 1893 Dole overthrows queen. 1898 US annexes Hawaii
  • Treaty of Paris

    Cuban independence; US established as protectorate due to economic interest Puerto Rico and Guam ceded to US (became territories) US annexed the Philippines (gave 20 million to Spain for it)
    -Upset because they worked with Americans for freedom
    -McKinley said he did not believe they could run their country Open Door Policy
    -open trade in China; competition continued against European Powers
    -Secretary Story John Hay note given to European powers; share China
  • Enrique de Lome Letter

    McKinley is president at time, Grover previous president did not get involved in foreign affairs. This letter is saying McKinley can be manipulated is accidentally gotten by Cuban rebels and then published in newspapers. McKinley and American manhood on line. U.S.S. Maine (Hearst Newspaper) says that Spain bombed ship (even though they didn't probably); McKinley declares war to protect manhood.
  • War in Cuba

    Congress passes joint resolution: 1) US recognized Cuban independence, 2) authorized military force by president to expel Spain from Cuba (aka declaration of war) 3) will not annex Cuba (purely "humanitarian" totally). Theodore Roosevelt and Rough Riders; believes war unifies people; struggle/war is good; says U.S.S. Maine was not accident; organized the rough riders, which is a melting pot of selected men from different background (different strengths); create ultimate fighting machine.
  • Battle in Manila

    12 Spanish ships decimated; Americans destroyed Spanish fleet; US turns attention to Cuba (since this was Phillippines)
  • San Juan Hill, Kettle Hill, & Santiago Captured

    Success captured; four month battle; August 12, 1898 Spanish surrender; ended Spanish power in Cuba
  • Filipino-American War (1899-1902)

    1900 US established civil government
    1901 Aguinaldo captured and Philippines are overtaken
    US created concentration camps to win (acts like Butcher) Emilio AGuinaldo: Filipino general and independence leaders; through US believed in democracy Anti-Imperialists: thought it was wrong to annex Philippines; undermines American's value/foundation Imperialists: America should get land; duty to annex
  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Book Publication

    Allegory of Gilded Age.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Violent anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-christian uprising in China. 1899-1901
  • Roosevelt: The Progressive President

    McKinley's VP because the Republicans in New York wanted to get rid of him, and give him a position of looks not power. McKinley dies and he becomes president ruining this.
    Rejected limited role of Gilded Age president.
    Believed presidents should be active and set a national agenda. Bully pulpit: a platform for talking about his agenda. Had press working for him to get information out to the people. Imperialist/American Exceptionalist/Naturalist/Conservationist Strong personality
  • McKinley Death

    Leon Czolgosz shot McKinley in the stomach; caused fear in America because they thought it was terrorism. Leon was an anarchist, he shot McKinley because he hated his policies and how poor immigrants were treated.
  • Anthracite Coal Strike

    300 labor strikes in 1901; 100,000 coal miners went on strike in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. 6 companies controlled 70% of the industry. Workers wanted higher wages, shorter work days, and recognition of their union (UMW: United Mine Workers). Owners refused, so coal was not being mined, thus energy shortages and prices of coal increased. Roosevelt gets owners of company to come to White House and negotiate with workers (threatened he would cease mines). Roosevelt for people; trustbuster
  • Panama Canal

    Roosevelt was an imperialist, thus he was influenced by Alfred Mahan. He wanted a Panama Canal, but Panama was a colony of Columbia that wanted independence. Roosevelt initially offers Columbia 10 million for Panama's independence, but they refuse. Gave 10 million to rebels to fights Columbia. Panama gets independence, and US gets the canal.
  • Coney Island Amusement Park Opens

    Instant gratification period in opposition of the victorian age culture (gratification comes later; self-restraint). People spend money and new found leisure time at amusement park. Attractions such as rides, theatres, dance halls, allons, and Vandeville and Minstrelsy (made white man feel better about oppressing black man; white man painted face black for show and performed stereotypes of time).
  • DuBois

    1903 wrote Souls of Black Folk
    -color line was created (hence name of period)
    -segregation was to keep white in power and supposed to establish order (created disorder) Help found NAACP; was also confrontationalist like Ida B. Wells. Believed top ten blacks should lead black equality movement. Wants it to be possible to be both black and American (poem); blacks not treated as Americans. Got degree from Harvard.
  • Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine

    US polices the Caribbean to maintain order, if European nations threatens interest then US will declare war. This was to establish American dominance to the world. US in now a major player.
  • Upton Sinclair and Acts

    Writer of the Jungle. Documented meat packing industry unsanitary conditions. Wanted to spread socialism, instead spread terror. Two acts came about in response: Meat Inspection Act:
    meat has to be dated, agents inspect plant Pure Food and Drug Act:
    ingredients label; must comply to federal codes and standards. These acts were important because the government responded to muckrakers.
  • William Howard Taft

    Roosevelt supported Taft for 1908 election because he think he would carry his legacy. Taft win, Bryan loses again. Taft wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice not president; however, his wife and Teddy persuaded him. Taft's presidency caused rift between his friendship with TR because he removed Pinchot from the head of the forest service, says tariff rate should be higher but then goes back on word, and gave some credit to his brother for helping him win. Weak, unlike Roosevelt.
  • Election of 1912

    Debs: socialist; only uneducated; head of Railroad Union
    Wilson: democrat; from south (strong state's rights: New Freedom); wanted to get rid of monopolies; no political background; scholar type; fresh face to Bryan
    TR: republican until lost primary created progressive party; from New York; beloved national figure; trustbuster; New Nationalism: regulate monopolies, larger federal government, women suffrage supporter, child labor laws
    Taft: republican; weak, would not face big business
  • Margret O'Mara's 1912 Lessons

    1) Third parties bring in new ideas after celebrity candidate leaves spotlight causing third party to disappear
    2) Elections about candidates not parties
    3) No more laissez faire in government Other important note: first election with the direct primary
    -No more bribing by big business to get candidates in
    -people directly voted allowing for more reform minded candidates and new candidates to get the position
  • Press in Election of 1912

    Swayed readers; same stories appeared in East and West; less attention on politics; campaigns centered on people not party; campaign managers had to be more creative. La Follette, Republican candidate, lost all chances when media published he had lost his mind. This caused TR to run, and if TR had not run the republican vote would not have been split up, so Wilson may not have won.
  • Marcus Garvey

    Born in Jamaica, comes to New York. Black nationalism: reject notion that you are inferior Self-determination: political and economic independence Founded the United Negro Improvement Association in 1914; advocated separatism which was the choice to not be integrated versus forced segregation. Said black people should move to Africa; back to roots; had black pride marches.
  • Schlieffen Plan

    Germany, didn't want to fight a two front war, so the idea was to defeat France and then move on to Russia, but that did not happen.
  • A World at War

    Wilson is like America is neutral ha, but business is like nah we ain't. So banks loan France and Great Britain stacks of cash, and Charles Schwab's Bethlehem Steel sells weapons to France and Great Britain.
  • Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    He travels to Bosnia which is under the control of the Austrian Empire. Assassin from Black Hand, Gavrilo Princip, shoots the Archduke because he wants independence for Serbia. Austria-Hungry demands for them to hand over the offender, Serbia refuses because has Russia's backing. AH allies with Germany; AH declares war on Serbia, and then everyone declares war on each other due to alliances. Central Powers: Germany, AH, and Ottoman Empire
    Allied Powers: France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, US
  • The Birth of a Nation

    D.W. Griffin film; Griffin was southern inspired by Klansmen novel and father was confederate soldier. Story about white southern redemption; revolutionary picture due to techniques used in filming. Showed reconstruction as a time where blackman oppressed whites, lead to message that white supremacy vital to south. Wilson gave credibility. NAACP made mission to not have film shown; inspired more black to join movement; movie still showed.
  • The Lusitania

    Americans on British ship that gets sunk by Germans because submarine warfare. Wilson tells Germans not to do it again and then they do with the Arabic and Sussex. Some Americans were wanting Wilson to declare war at this point.
  • Wilson Re-Election

    Wilson's Congressional Speech; freedom of the seas; self-determination; League of Nations; peace without victory. He knows this cannot happen without America going to war, plus allies need help and Germany is sinking any vessels in European waters, however, he had a no war campaign.
  • Liberty Bonds

    The US needed money for the war so these bonds were created so that the US people could help contribute. People were pressured to donate.
  • Espionage Act

    Could not interfere with the recruitment of soldiers or encourage "disloyalty"
  • Women and the War

    Two groups: National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)
    -traditional and older group
    -would talk to representatives to convince them women should vote (ex. husband voted for you and I would love to add to your support, but I cannot vote)
    -Carrie Chapman Catt National Women's Party
    -radical and younger group
    -protest in front of white house
    -Alice Paul 19th Amendment passed in 1920 allows women to vote; Carrie talked to Wilson about women role at home during war.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    Ends diplomacy; message from Germany to Mexico intercepted by Great Britain and shared with the US. Germany was asking Mexico to join the war and to attack the US; said that Germany would help them get land back that the US took from them. This tips the balance and Wilson has no choice but to declare war.
  • Selective Service Act

    The US needed soldiers so passed this act to draft men. Started off with 18-21 then expanded range to be 18-45. 200 million man were drafted.
  • American Protection League

    Xenophobia; fear of German spies; organization of private citizens that worked with the government to identify German war sympathizers, people against the war, radicals, anarchists, and German spies.
  • Committee on Public Information (CPI)

    Committee meant to influence public's opinion on the war; propoganda. Would attempt to convince public that the sacrifices for war was worth it. Sold the war; published pamphlets; 4 minute men: went to movie houses to give four minute speeches on why Americans were fighting in the war. Purpose was to shape American Opinion to unify the country since not everyone was pro-war due to immigrants not wanting to go against their home country and what have you.
  • War Industries Board

    Headed up by Bernard Baruch. Coordinated the purchasing of war supplies; set quotas; fixed prices; determined production.
  • Food Administration

    Stabilized prices of food, notably wheat.
  • 18th Amendment

    This is the prohibition amendment; became active in 1920. The war gave it a new platform because supporters were able to use the argument that wheat is needed for food instead of alcohol and that we need sober soldiers.
  • Sedition Act

    Restricted free speech; could not criticize the government; Attorney General Gregory "obey the law keep your mouth shut!" Debs went to prison for speaking up against the US for going to war; they made a message out of him. Not even Debs is over the law.
  • Wilson's 14 Points

    Wilson's idealistic statement of principles of peace to end WWI.
    -Peace without victory (no reparations)
    -Open diplomacy (no secret treaties or alliances)
    -Freedom of the seas
    -Free trade
    -League of Nations
  • National War Labor Board

    Was created to appease workers because during wartime they could not afford to have labor strikes.
  • Henry Cabot Lodge

    Republican; criticized Wilson for not joining the war initially. He wanted to join the League of Nations with reservations, but Wilson did not want any reservations. Democrats sided with Wilson, while Republicans sided with Lodge because they did not want the power of entering war as congress' decision to be taken away. US does not join League of Nations due to Lodge's persuading that it would weaken the national power, thus being anti-patriotic, due to war decision being taken away.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Wilson did not get any of his 14 points other than self-determination for Eastern Europe (creation of seven new countries like the break up of Austria and Hungary). Four nation leaders met up: David Lloyd George (Great Britain), Clemenceau (France), Wilson (US), and Orlando (Italy). First time US president crossed Atlantic to sign treaty (did not get support of Republicans before leaving) Treaty puts Germany in bad place; sets up WWII.
  • War Guilt Clause

    Part of the Treaty of Versailles Article 231. "The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies." Caused national humiliation for Germany.
  • League of Nations

    Formed at the end of the Paris Peace Conference; first international organization whose mission was world peace. Wilson was not able to get the US to join initially even though the League of Nations was his idea and dream.