
Telephones in the 1800s

  • Innocenzo Manzetti

    Innocenzo Manzetti
    Innocenzo Manzetti Created the first speaking telegraph. It was a single port design in which required the speaker to alternately speak into and then listen through the same hole.
  • Charles Bourseul

    Charles Bourseul
    In 1854, Charles Bourseul writes a manuscript about the principles of the telephone.
  • Philipp Reis

    Philipp Reis
    In 1861 the inventor Philipp Reis invents the first speech transmitting phone.
  • Bell transmitter

    Bell transmitter
    In April of 1875 Bell uses multipul vibrating steal reads in make break circuits to improve the telephone.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison experiments with acuoustic telegraphy. In November of 1875 he builds an electro dynamic reciever.
  • First sentence

    First sentence
    The first sentence transmitted by bell is as follows:
    " Mr. Watson come here! I want to see you!"
  • First long distance call

    First long distance call
    In 1877 Alexander Graham Bell made it possible for people to reach each other long distance.