Technology 3

Telecommunication inventions

  • Computer Charles Babbage

    Computer Charles Babbage
    It is used to play, look for things you do not understand, to study, work, help, make video calls, watch videos ...
  • Telegraph Samuel Finley Breese Morse

    Telegraph Samuel Finley Breese Morse
    For use the Morse code
  • Telephone Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
    For to call your family, friends....
  • Radio Guglielmo Marconi

    Radio Guglielmo Marconi
    It served to listen to the news and what happened in the day to day.
  • Tv John Logie Baird

    Tv John Logie Baird
    Is used for see the notices....
  • Tablet Apple

    Tablet Apple
    It is used to listen to music, play games, watch videos ...
  • Mobile phone Martin Cooper

    Mobile phone Martin Cooper
    You can use this object to call your family, friends.... To play games, to chat and for use social media.