Theodore ted bundy

Ted Bundy

  • Bundy is Born

    Ted Bundy was born November of 1946 in a house for young unwed mothers. To hide the embarressment of his mother being unwed he was raised to believe that his grandparents were his parents and his mother was his older sister.
  • Period: to


  • The thruth is revealed

    After a bad break-up with the girl he loved, the truth was revealed to him that his parents were really his grandparents and the girl he thought was his older sister was actually his mother. Investigaters believe that these two events were what led to his downspiral and the cause for beginning his murdering spree.
  • His First Attack

    After entering the room of a University of Washington student, he sexually assaulted and brutally beat her. He did not kill the girl but he did severely injur her and left her with permanant brain damage. Within the same month he attacked his second victim, this time killing her and dumping her body at a separate site.
  • Increasing MO details

    Increasing MO details
    In this month he killed another college student and then was found to kill yet another but by luring her to his car with a fake injury.
  • College Students

    College Students
    In may he killed another college student and then in June he killed two more. They were always college students leaving someplace alone, at night.
  • Changing location

    Instead of targetting campus locations Bundy switched locations and murdered two woman in the same day at the State Park. Again he was found to have faked an injury in order to lure them to his car.
  • Changin his MO

    Not only did Bundy change states, he changed his MO. He was no longer targetting college studenst by faking an injury, he was now pretending to be a police officer and targetting random woman that he tricked into thinking that they needed to be interviewed.
  • Colorado and Idaho

    After the police officer act almost got Bundy caught, he changed states and returned to his injury act, luring four young females into his car.
  • Caught

    After not stopping for a policeofficer, Bundy's car was searched. When finding tools that looked like murder weapons Bundy was arrested.
  • Convicted

    Bundy was sentenced to 15 years in prison on kid-napping charges.
  • Escape number one

    After less than a year in prison Bundy escapes from prison for six days before being caught, and brought back to jail.
  • Escape number two

    After escaping again seven months later Bundy went on a killing spree in Florida. In a very short amount of time Bundy murdered three younf woman and injurede three others.
  • Caught for good

    After the last murder of a twelve-year old girl Bundy was caught for good and sentenced to death.
  • Executed

    Bundy was convicted of many first-degree murders and was executed on January 4, 1989.