Technology Facts

  • 8mm Home Movie Camera

    The 8mm home movie camera began its life in 1923. In the 30's camera and tripod in this era it was $335.00 in comparison to a car which would have been $550.00.
  • Microcassette Voice Recorder

    The Microcassette Voice Recorder was invented in 1969 by Olympus. You may be familiar with these as they played an eerie role in the Saw films, as the kidnaped victims would find the voice recorder with the words ‘play me’ on it.
  • Dot Matrix Printer

    The Dot Matrix Printer was created in 1970 by Digital Equipment Corporation. Its technology still remains today within ATMs, Eftos and cash register receipts.
  • Floppy Disk

    The floppy disk was made in 1971 and conveniently called the floppy disk because well… it was floppy. Although in the 80’s it was remodelled and was no longer floppy.
  • Home Telephone

    The telephone was invented in1974. Did you know that the original greeting for when using the telephone was ‘ahoy’ although Thomas Edison recommended ‘hello’ instead.
  • Home Cable Modem

    The first cable modem was developed in 1990 by
    Hybrid Networks. As we enter into an unrelenting storm season in Australia, always remember that your home modem can suffer damaged by storm surges, so protect them with your life… not really, just unplug them.
  • CD Rom

    Created by James Russel in 1995 as he sketched his revolutionary plan onto paper wishing for an easier way to play music rather than the record player. But little did he know the overwhelming impact it would have over the music industry. Although there is a downside (isn’t there always?), 5.5 million software packages containing CD rom’s are dumped every year and millions of CDs are thrown away. Which have had a devastating environmental impact; so think twice before casually discarding them.
  • Wireless Network Card

    The wireless network car came to light in 2004, making it easy for consumers to connect to the internet almost wherever the wished.