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Technology and me

  • NES

    I loved playing Duck Hunt and Donkey Kong Country on my NES
  • Calculator Time!

    Calculator Time!
    We used these amazing calculators in elementary school. The nostalgia!
  • The iPod

    The iPod
    I got my first iPod in 2004. The emo music was on full blast all the time. Suddenly I started to sneak my iPod into class so i could try to listen during school. Technology led to my first rebellion!
  • My Friend Mavis Beacon

    My Friend Mavis Beacon
    In elementary school we had a computer lab, and would go to computer class weekly. We did typing, games, and more. It was definitely the highlight.
  • High School Film

    High School Film
    My love for video production started in high school, where my friends and I would make movies on mini DV tape using school equipment. The teacher let us borrow cameras over the weekend, and we would spend the whole weekend filming nonsense movies. The best of times.