technoligy timeline

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    the first car

    In 1768, the first steam powered automobile capable of human transportation was built by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot
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    the first loom

    the first loom was created by Joseph Marie Jacquard
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    the first watch

    it was made in January 1868
  • the first phone

    Alexander Graham Bell is commonly credited as the inventor of the first practical telephone
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    the first light bulb

    the first light bulb was made by Thomas Edison 1880
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    the first Nintendo

    the first Nintendo was made in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi
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    the first movie

    The first film ever made is called 'The Waterer Watered' a French film made in 1895
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    the first airplane

    the first airplane was created in December 17, 1903.
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    the first television

    Filo T. Farnsworth made the first television in 1927
  • the first comuptor

    the Z1 was created by German Konrad Zuse in his parents' living room between 1936 and 1938. It is considered to be the first electro-mechanical binary programmable computer, and the first really functional modern computer.
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    first Samsung

    the first Samsung was created in 1938 by Lee Byung
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    the first video game

    the first video game was Pong in 1972 it was made by Atari Inc.
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    first ipod

    the first version was released on October 23, 2001,
  • first iphone

    the first generation of iPhone and was announced on January 9, 2007
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    the first iPad

    the first iPad was made in April,3 ,2010 was made by Steve jobs