
  • 4th Amendment

    4th Amendment
    right of people to be secure in their own houses, papers and effects agianst unreasonible searches shall not be violated. No warrents shall issue but apon probable cause
  • 1st Amendment

    1st Amendment
    congress shall not make a law respecting religon or free excersize. Or abribbing freedom and speech, the press or the peace of peoples right to assemble. Also petition the government.
  • 2nd Amendment

    2nd Amendment
    a good miitia being able to keep safe of a free state. A right of people to keep and bear arms. They shall not be infridged
  • 3rd Amendment

    3rd Amendment
    In time of peace, no soildier shall be given a place to stay in any house. Also no quarteringwithout consentof the owner. But in mannar to be perscribed by law.
  • 5th Amendment

    5th Amendment
    No person shall be held to answer for a capitol. As well as being unable to answer for inflamous crimes unless on a prestment. Exept in cases arising in a land of public danger.
  • 6th Amendment

    6th Amendment
    In all criminal prosecutions accused people shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public tral. An important jury of district and state where the crime shall not be comitted whitch district shall not have been prevosly asceranied by law to be informed by nature and law cause of accusation.
  • 7th Amendment

    7th Amendment
    Individuals have a right to a jury trial in civil cases
  • 8th Amenndment

    8th Amenndment
    Prohibits excessive fines, bail and cruel and unusal punishment.
  • 9th Amendment

    9th Amendment
    The enumeration in the constitution of certan rights. rights shall not be constructed to deny. Also shall not discharge others retained by people.
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    Ihe 10th amendment gives the states reserved powers. any powers not clearly given to the government by the US constitution or dinied the states.
  • Period: to

    Amendments timespan

  • 11th Amendment

    11th Amendment
    Passed by congress March 4, 1791. Ratified February 7, 1795. Proclaimed 1798. The judicial power of the U.S. shall not be constructed to extend to any suit in law or equity.
  • 12th Amendment

    12th Amendment
    the electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for the prseident and vice president. one of whom at least shall not be inhabident of the same state with them selves they shall name their ballots their person voted for as vise president and the number the number of votes shall the president
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    There will be no more slavery.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amenment laid the ground work for many civil right laws such as the americans with disables.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Individuals may not be denied the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    Senators are chosen by direct election from the people
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    The congress should have power and collect and lay taxes over incomes fron any sorce without apportionment among many states and without regard tonany census or enumeration.
  • 18th Amendment

    Under prohibition people broke the law if they made of sold or shipped acoholic beverages.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Citizens may not be denied the right to vote on account of their gender
  • 20th Amendment

    The presidents and vice presidents term shall end at noon on the 20th day of january of the years in whitch such terms would have ended.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    End of prohibition.
  • 22nd Amendment

    George Washington set the tradition of limitting the presidency to two terms franklin rosavelt broke his costome when he was elected president four terms in a row.
  • 23rd Amendment

    23rd Amendment
    Washington D.C. is awarded 3 electoral votes in the Electoral College.
  • 25th Amendment

    25th Amendment
    Defines the process of presidential succession.
  • 24th Amendment

    The poil tax was aimed at preventing african americans from exersizing their rights. many could not afford to pay this fee that quired voting.
  • 26th Amendment

    Members of recording industry founded rock the vote they urdge young people to vote in elections.
  • 27th Amendment

    27th Amendment
    27th Prevents laws affecting Congressional salary from taking effect until the beginning of the next session of Congress