Tales of a fourth grade nothing book cover

Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing

By hprovo
  • Peter wins Dribble

    Peter wins his pet turtle Dribble at Jimmy Fargo's birthday.
  • The Yarby's stay at Peter's house

    Fudge embarasses everyone by eating flowers under the table and bringing out Dribble.
  • Shelia babysits Fudge

    Fudge pretends he is a bird and knocks out his two front teeth.
  • Fudge's Birthday

    Fudge's birthday becomes crazy and out of control until Peter brings, Dribble his pet turtle out.
  • Fudge won't open his mouth at the dentist or get new shoes

    Until Peter shows him how it is done!
  • Fudge is in a Toddle bike commercial

  • Fudge gets lost in the movie theatre.

    They have to stop the movie to find Fudge
  • Dribble is missing