
ST Lignatius of Loyola

  • Dec 24, 1491


    Inigo de Loyola was born on 24 December1491 in Azpeitia in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa in northern Spain
  • May 5, 1492


    baptism name is Inigo Lopezderecalde
  • Feb 28, 1507

    Young achievement

    Young achievement
    At sixteen years he was sent to serve as a page to Juan Velazquez, the treasurer of the kingdom of Castile.
  • Mar 4, 1517

    Became a knight

    Became a knight
  • Feb 28, 1520


    He was the youngest of thirteen children. 8 Boys including him and 3 girls. His parents were of ancient illustrious lineage. He was from a fairly wealthy family.
  • May 15, 1521


    He eventually found himself at the age of 30 in May of 1521 as an officer defending the fortress for the town of Pamplona against the French, who claimed the territory as their own against Spain.
  • Oct 28, 1521

    All wrong?

    All wrong?
    During a battle a cannon ball struck Ignatius, wounding one leg and breaking the other. Because they admired his courage, the French soldiers carried him back to recuperate at his home, the castle of Loyola, rather than to prison. This battle was between his soilders and spain.
  • Mar 25, 1522

    Saint Ignatius travels to Santa Maria de Montserrat where he stays in a cave for 2 months

    Saint Ignatius travels to Santa Maria de Montserrat where he stays in a cave for 2 months
    Saint Ignatius has a vision of the Mother of God and the infant Jesus while at the shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat.
  • Jul 1, 1522

    What to do

    What to do
    he had his leg blown off he would send days of dreaming about glory and pride although he found books about Christ and saints in the castle so he began to read. He recognize that not only the intellect but also the emotions and feelings can help us to come to a knowledge of the action of the Spirit in our lives. Eventually, completely converted from his old desires and plans of romance and worldly conquests, and recovered from his wounds enough to travel, he left the castle in March of 1522.
  • Feb 28, 1523

    Left off to a journey

    Left off to a journey
    He had decided that he wanted to go to Jerusalem to live where our Lord Jesus had spent his life on earth. His first step he began a journey to Barcelona. Though he had been converted from his old spoiled ways, he was still seriously lacking in the true spirit of charity and Christian understanding. He did run into a few early Muslims wich did strengthen his faith in his arguments, these agruments gave him the chance to test himself from what he had learn in the texts that he read.
  • Jan 1, 1525

    Royal blood?

    Royal blood?
    The identity of whom we never have discovered fully but who seems to have been of royal blood.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1526 to Jan 1, 1535


    Diploma of studying theology, literature, philosophy and latin grammar. He studied at Barcelona for nearly 2 years, In 1526 he transferred to Alcala. By the time ge had acquired follower, but not allowed to preach. He arrived in Paris on Feb 2 1528 and and stayed as a srudent until 1535 styding the diploma of Latin grammer, lierature. Philiosophy and theology, on August 15 1534, he led the little band to nearby Montratre, where they bound themselves by vows of poverty ECT this made them Jesuits
  • Period: Mar 4, 1535 to


    Jesuits mission was to fight of the Lutherans to save the faith of Christianity and to educate the lack of education about Christianity in addition all the children. Around 1535 about 1,000 Jesuits were already working throughout Europe and in Asia, Africa, and the New World. By 1626 the number of Jesuits was 15,544; and in 1749 the total was 22,589.
  • Period: Mar 4, 1535 to


    The demand that the Jesuits take up their former work, especially in the field of education and in the missions, became so insistent that in 1814 Pope Pius VII re-established the society!
  • Period: Mar 4, 1535 to


    From the beginning education of Christ became number 1 as well as ordinary education plus scholarship was the primary of all their works. Initial goal of the company had been to seek passage to the Holy Land to minister to Christians and convert the Muslim. Ignatius and his companions went to Rome where they serviced Pope Paul III.
  • Period: Mar 4, 1535 to


    The pope approved the order in 1540; they helped of all the people that needed to be taken care of. St Ignatius entered the field that needed work and within months of it’s founding of the Jesuits of all missionary works and to save education .The Jesuits were oblivious to the problems Christianity was facing from the Lutherans therefore this is what they fought. In 1539 to present to Paul III, the theme of educating the youth is quite prominent.
  • Period: Mar 4, 1535 to


    Paris when six young men started the Jesuit order according to spirtual vows of chastity and pilgrimage .On September 27, 1540 pope Paul 3 approved the first outlines of the Jesuits organization. The society grew rapidly and people quickly assumed this role is a prominent role in the counter-reformation.
  • Dec 25, 1538

    Had his first Mass

    Had his first Mass
    Saint Ignatius cries at his first mass on Christmas, from faith.
  • Mar 1, 1550


    He was the founder of Jesuit Order.
  • Jul 31, 1555


    He died from the Roman fever.
  • Canonized

    He was Canonized.