St.Ignatius Significant Events

By Amesis
  • May 1, 1491

    Ignatius was born

    He was born into a rich family in Spain and was the youngest of 13 children. This was a neutral moment. He was born rich, so he was exposed to things that influenced his spiritual journey as not being focused on God.
  • Period: May 1, 1491 to Jul 31, 1556


  • Jan 1, 1509

    Joined the Spanish Military

    This was because he wanted to be a war hero, he liked to drink, be with women, gamble and fight. God was not present in his life. In terms of faith, it was negative for him. But to Ignatius he thought it was positive because of what he wanted.
  • May 20, 1521

    Got hit by a cannonball

    During war, he was hit by a cannon ball. He was confined to bed, he had no other books except “The Life of Christ” and “Lives of the Saints’’. When he got better he wanted to be a soldier of God. This was a positive moment because it turned his life around, while he thought it was negative due to his condition. This kickstarted his faith journey.
  • 1522

    Goes to Santa Maria and Manresa

    He goes to Santa Maria, strips off his clothes and gives them to a beggar. He then goes to a nearby village named Manaresa where he spent a year compeleting spiritual excerises which was also a dark year in his life during which he experienced a great spritiual dryness, worried obbessively about his sins and even tempted to commit suicide. Afterwards, he goes to the Holy Land and he intended to stay there his whole life but then he had to leave.
  • 1524

    Went back to school

    He went back to school to learn Theology and Latin. He enrolled as a normal student to study Latin with younger guys, where he had to humble himself. This was a positive because he experienced a great deal of humility while getting bullied and learning what he wanted to in order to grow.
  • 1528

    Went to Paris

    Afterwards he went to the University of Paris where he begged alms to support himself. There he met his original “companions” that stayed with him through his faith journey. This was a positive because they went along with him as he expressed his spiritual ideas to them.
  • 1534

    Society Of Jesus formed

    He and his followers took their first vows, and was ordained a priest which furthered to the formation of the Jesuits. That's when the Society of Jesuits was approved in 1540 by Pope Paul 3rd. This was a positive because now that the Jesuits are formed, it can impact many people and was Saint Ignatius’s big break, essentially.