R7 sputnik


  • Sputnik I

    Sputnik I
    Operator- Soviet Union
    Time- 19:28:34
    Duration- 3 months
    Mass- 86.3 kg.
    Orbital Period- 96.2 minutes
    Description- Sputnik I was the first artifial satellite sent into earth's orbit. It was a huge importance to the Soviet Union during the Space Race. Sputnik I marked the start of the Space Age. Sputnik I helped identify the upper atmospheric layer's density.
    Video- http://www.history.com/topics/sputnik/audio#soviets-launch-first-satellite
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    Operator- Soviet Union
    Time- 02:30:00
    Duration- 162 days
    Mass- 508.3 kg
    Orbital Period- 103.7 minutes
    Description: Sputnik II was the second spacecraft launched into Earth's orbit. It was also the first spacecraft to carry a living animal. The dog's name was Laika, a Samoyed Terrier. Sputnik 2 detected the Earth's outer radiation belt in the far northern latitudes, but the significance of the elevated radiation was not realized.
    Video- http://www.history.com/topics/sputnik/videos#space-race-co
  • Sputnik 3

    Sputnik 3
    Operator- Soviet Union
    Time- 07:12:00
    Mission Duration- 692 days
    Mass- 1327 kg.
    Orbital Period- 105.9 minutes
    Description- It was designed to study the upper layers of the atmosphere and the cosmic space.
    Video- http://www.history.com/topics/sputnik/videos#how-russia-challenged-the-us-in-the-space-race